Chapter 9

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// Jaden's POV //

I heard her.  Dammit Chase. "Chase is fine" my ass. I pull Faith on my lap, she seems confused. Maybe even a little uncomfortable? I notice Bryce looking at us or me with confusion.

"Fay. I will put you down in a second. I just want to make sure you're doing okay? Are you okay with having those people come over? They really want to meet you, but it's up to you. I just want you to be okay."  She looks at me then at everyone else. 

She nods.  "You're sure? That's around 35 people Faith." 

She nods again, " I already know y'all but if they're your friends the I should meet them too."

// Bryce's POV //

After Chase leaves, I see Faith mutter something to herself with a sad expression. I go to stand up and walk over to her, but I stop when I see Jaden pick her up and place her on his lap.

I look at Addison and motion my head towards Jaden and Faith. She leans over to me, "Faith seems uncomfortable. Should we stop it or something?"

I look at her, "I have no idea. I think he's just checking on her, but I'll talk to him after. Something about her past has caused her not to like too much physical contact. She freaked out when he touched her knee, so he's pushing it right now. I've realized that we don't know anything about her family. She was dodging our questions about her family earlier."

She begins to respond, but Faith's voice cuts her off, "You c-can invite them o-over. I-I want to meet them-m especially Madison B-Beer."

We all look at her shocked, some of them glance over at Nick. Faith looks confused, "Why d-did y'all l-look at Nick-k?"

Some of us laugh before Nick responds, "Because I am dating her".

She looks surprised, "Really? That's cute. If she writes another break up song, I'm blaming you." Everyone laughs.

As they're busy laughing and giving Nick a hard time, Faith quickly gets off of Jaden and walks towards the kitchen. Jaden goes to follow her, but I stop him.

Sadly, getting everyone's attention, "Jaden. She's fine. You pushed it. For some reason she doesn't like too much physical contact. I know you were just trying to check on her, but she just met you. Addison and I will check on her. Just sit down."

He nods and walks back to his seat. I could tell he wanted to check on her, but he understood. I grabbed Addison's hand and walked towards the kitchen.

// Faith's POV //

The second I was on Jaden's lap, I was uncomfortable. I just met him and too many memories were going through my brain. I decided to just focus on his words and the hardwood floor below me. I know he's just trying to help me and make sure I'm doing okay.

I surprised myself with my answer, but it was true. If I was going to be friends with them, I should at least make an effort to be friends with their friends. Plus, I REALLY wanted to meet Madison Beer.

The minute everyone was distracted, I jumped off of Jaden. I felt bad because he doesn't even know what's happening. I decided to leave the room and go to the kitchen.

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