Chapter 4

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// Faith's POV //

I can't believe I didn't put it together. Jaden is Jaden Hossler. I'm so slow.

I continue following Josh around until he stops at a door and says, "Here's your room. It's pretty basic but I think you'll like it."

He then opens that door and we both walk inside. He was right, it is pretty basic. But, I'm only staying the night at the moment.

"It's really n-nice. Thanks J-Josh." I tell him with a slight smile. "No problem. We did invite you here." He says with a small laugh. 

I laugh with him then ask, "Y-yeah about that, why did you invite m-me here? Ya'll dance and make f-funny content-t. I'm just a s-singer."

He looks like he doesn't know how to answer. "Well umm. How about you set your stuff on the bed and then we'll go downstairs where you can ask the boys that?" He suggests.

I nod, place my stuff on the bed, then follow Josh back downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen and almost immediately everyone's eyes are on me. I get really nervous again, so I start tapping my finger on the side of my leg. I guess you can call it my anxiety tick, I do it when I can't bounce my leg up and down.

"So, Faith here wants to know why we invited her here" says Josh. Everyone then looks over at Jaden who seems to be staring at my finger tapping on my leg.

"Oh well. We noticed that you've gained a lot of followers over the past month, which means you'll become famous soon. So, we and you to meet us so you'd have some friends in the Tiktok world." Bryce explains.

"Oh that makes s-sense." I say. I notice Jaden let out a big breath of air.  That's weird. 

"So do you know anyone or anything about the TikTok world?" asks Blake.

"N-No. N-Not really. I did some research last night, so I know all of the drama that's going on. I know names but I don't know what anyone looks like. I also know about Braddison and Jessa only becuase it's the first thing that came up when I googled your names. Oh and I know about the whole Chase thing kind of. I mainly just glanced at the article so I would know the main points.  I also think that the Chase thing was kind of dumb.  Like I don't know if anything he said was true or not, but either way he shouldn't have posted that.  It's high school drama.  I felt bad for Charli, but then again I'm pretty sure Josh and Nessa were broken up same with Charli and Chase.  But who knows." I respond talking somewhat fast due to my nerves. The guys are just staring at me with wide eyes.

"Oh shit s-sorry Josh.  Whatever the t-truth is, I'm sorry about the whole s-situation."  I say once I realize he's standing next to me.

"It's okay.  Your logic makes sense."  Josh says with a slight smile. 

Bryce laughs and says, "Ah that's why you asked if it was me when you walked up to me. Makes sense. Well since you only know the drama that may or may not be true, do you have questions for us?"

I'm shocked by the question. Like they're fine with me budding into their lives. 

"Umm can I j-just ask who's c-completely single a-and isn't talking to anyone?  Only because I know that that topic causes a lot of d-drama and I'd rather n-not be apart of that."

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