Chapter 5

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// Jaden's POV //


"What are your other songs?"  Faith asks me out of nowhere. 

I look up from my phone, "Oh umm they're called So What, Angels And Demons, and Pray.  I just realsed Pray."

"C-c-can I-I hear t-them?  Actually n-nevermind.  I don't w-want to bother y-you."  She stutters. 

"Fay, of course you can hear them.  You're not bothering me.  I promise." I say smiling at her. She smiles and nods at me.  I quickly tell her that I'll be back and run to my room to grab my guitar.  I then grab a stool from the kitchen and sit down in front of her. 

"Okay I'll sing Angles and Demons first."  I tell her.  She nods and I begin. 

After 30 minutes, since she talked to me about the songs in between, I start to sing Pray.  This one means the most to me since I wasn't in best place when I wrote this. 

Heaven only knows when I'm in hell
None of my friends can even tell
I wanna fucking die, but I never say it
Sick of getting high, but I do the same shit
I can't even cry, so I try to fake it
I hate it

I pray to God, let me die in my sleep
I pray to God, let me die in my sleep
You're as sick as all the secrets you keep
But the truth is, I don't wanna be me
I pray to God, let me die in my sleep

Now I'm waking up and I'm not dead
Living off the words I know you said
I feel like I'm alive and I'm gonna make it
Maybe if I cry I don't have to fake it
I'm giving up my pain, so you can take it
I hate it

I pray to God I don't die in my sleep
I pray to God I don't die in my sleep
I'm as sick as all these secrets I keep
But the truth is, I can only be me
I pray to God I don't die in my sleep

I pray to God I don't die in my sleep
I pray to God I don't die in my sleep
I pray to God I don't die in my sleep
And now I'm sick of all the secrets I keep
I pray to God, let me die in my...

As I finish, I look up at her.  She's looking down.  Then I notice a tear fall onto her hand.  I quickly walk over to her, place my finger under her chin, and life her head up.  She's crying. 

"Fay, what's wrong?"  I ask her as I wipe the tears from her cheeks. 

"Oh umm sorry.  It's a fantasic song.  I just wasn't expecting to relate to it." she says. 

"Bab- Fay, one, there's no need to be sorry.  And two, what do you mean you relate?  How do you relate?"  I ask her while wiping the tears from her cheeks. Did I almost just call her 'baby'? 

"I had the same thought a few years ago. Instead of following through with it, I wrote a song.  My first song.  Which I guess, is what you did too with 'Pray'."  She explains. 

A wave of saddness washes over me.  I can't believe there was a chance of us never meeting.

"What is the song called?" I ask in a soft tone. 

"It's called 'Listen Before I Go'." She answers. 

I quickly lift her up so that she's standing up in front of me.  Then, I give her the biggest hug I possibly can.  She doesn't hug me back though. She seems confused. 

// Faith's POV //


Jaden is hugging me right now.  I've never hugged someone before. 

"Um Jaden?  I-I've never h-hugged anyone bef-fore.  What-t am I-I supposed to d-do?"  I ask. 

In one quick motion, he grabs my arms and wraps them around him.  He then pulls me in closer.  I take a deep breath in, trying to calm myself down.  My nose is instantly filled with the smell of his colonge.  It smells amazing.  I immediately feel better. Who knew hugs made you feel better.

After awhile, he pulls away.  He looks me right in the eye and says, "Faith, you are a fighter.  I never ever want you to feel that way again.  Do you understand?" He asks in a soft but demanding voice.  I nod. 

"Good." He says smiling. 

"Thank you for playing your songs for me.  You have an amazing voice.  It's very soothing." I tell him with a smile. 

"I'll sing for you anytime and thank you.  Can I ask what inspires you music?  Like I know that 'OK' is about your anxiety, but what about the others?" He asks me. 

"Oh well, if the song is about love or a guy, I wrote it after watching a tv show or movie.  Since I've never fallen in love or had a boyfriend, I use tv show and movie characters as my muse.  If that makes sense.  Everything else is me being sad."  I explain. 

He looks shocked.  "Hang on.  You've never had a boyfriend? Like ever? How? You're aboslutely gourgeous."  He says. 

I can feel my face heat up as I respond, "T-thank you, but yeah i've never had a boyfriend." 

He still seems shocked, but I think he smirked when he saw me blush.  We continue to have small talk until the boys arrive with the food. 

**End Of Flashback**

// Jaden's POV //

After explain highlights of our conversation, the guys look somewhat shocked.  Except Josh.  He's currently smirking at me. 

"You sang for her?" 

"She wanted to kill herself?"

"She's never had a boyfriend?" 

"You like her."  Josh states

All the boys freeze and stop talking.  We're all looking at Josh with confused faces. 

Bryce breaks the silence, "What are you talking about?  Jaden isn't the type of guy to 'like' girls." 

Okay, that hurt but sadly he isn't wrong.  I look down at Faith still asleep.  She looks so peaceful and calm, you'd never know she has anxiety and depression.  She's so precious. 

I'm pulled away from my thoughts and look back up at Josh when he says, "The way he's looking at her and talks about her.  He made Bryce talk to Thomas in order to protect Faith from an anxiety attack.  Bryce and Thomas hate eachother." 

"Josh, I don't like her.  I met this girl less than 12 hours ago."  I tell him. How could I have feelings for Faith?  I barely know her.  Right? Josh just scoffs. 

"Whatever.  I'm taking her to bed."  I tell them. 

I carefully pick her up and carry her bridal style.  I ask Kio to move her arms around my neck, so she doesn't fall.  After Kio does that, I slowly make my way up to her room and tuck her into bed. 

Before I close the door behind me, I take one last look at her and smile to myself.  Maybe I do have some type of feelings for her.

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