2 dares

18 0 6

D: awesome and yes indeed poor Ghost, so lemme go get M.C and I know who's car u 2 will be spray painting

Dj: k

D: hey M.C

M.C: yea what is it

D: u and Dj have a dare

M.C: what is it

D: u have to spray pain someone's car, and I know who's car it will be

M.C: awesome, I'll go grab my spray cans

D: k

M.C: I'm back so who's care r me and Dj gonna spray paint

D: u will be spray painting Swift's car

M.C: o man, I've always wanted to spray paint his car, let's do it

Dj: awesome

After that

M.C: we're done and here's what it looks like

C: we're done and here's what it looks like

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D: nice alr, now for all the guys

Ghost, Rebel, Swift, Anthony, Caesar, Roman, Razor, Stace, Kita, Glock, Slash, Connor, Ant, and Shadow: yea

D: u guys have to be geniuses for 4 hours

Glock: how

D: idk figure it out

Swift: can't be that hard

D: if u say so

Caesar: give me a hard problem

D: ok what is 39875 * 456983?

Caesar: let's see it is 18,222,197,125

D: *jaw drops* that is correct

Anthony: how'd u know that

Caesar: I had the exact same question in school

D: so did I but I was the only one in class that knew the answer

Caesar: which teacher

D: ms. Peony

Caesar: I had her 4 1st period

D: I had her 4 3rd period

Caesar: damn

Anthony: give me a question

D: any kind of question u want

Anthony: uhhh a history question

D: ok who was the person who came up with 'I have a dream' speech?

Anthony: Martin Luther King Jr.

D: correct damn

Anthony: u did say he is ur favorite historic person because of what he did and his speech

D: true, alr anyone else

4 hours later

D: and I have officially ran out of questions

Ghost: great, now can we go

D: I guess *pouts*

Ghost: *rubs her head* cute

D: *pushes his hand away* u know I hate it when u do that, anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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