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DragonWolf: *gets a call from her agent* hello

Agent: hey, u have a concert that starts in two hours, hurry up and get ready and come to the Rockefeller center

DragonWolf: ok, *hangs up*

Ghost: who was that

DragonWolf: my agent, I have a concert in two hours


DragonWolf: yep a concert, I'm a famous singer

Ghost: ok then so what r u going to wear

DragonWolf: uhh I'm thinking about wearing this

DragonWolf: uhh I'm thinking about wearing this

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Ghost: wow so ur wearing all that?

DragonWolf: no, just the shirt, pants, necklace, the dragon and one of the bracelets

Ghost: oh

DragonWolf: I better go get dressed brb

Ghost: kay, I'm going to go tell the others

DragonWolf: ok

After getting dressed

DragonWolf: ok now I'm ready, *walks upstairs*

Shy: u never told us that ur a famous singer

DragonWolf: I was going to, I just got busy with all these truths and dares

Ash: sure u did

DragonWolf: I did, oh and also I'm inviting u guys, and I guys will be in V.I.P section

Everyone but Ghost: SAY WHAT HOW

DragonWolf: well considering I'm a famous singer, I'm also very rich and I can make it happen. But before u guys say anything, I'm not one of those kinds of people who are greedy about their money heck no

Jade: that's good

Caesar: yep

DragonWolf: come on let's go, I have to be at Rockefeller Center in one hour

Swift: ok how r we going to get there

DragonWolf: simple teleportation *teleports everyone to Rockefeller Center* ok so there's the stage I gotta go and get set up.

Ghost: wait what songs r u singing

DragonWolf: Take Off All Your Cool, Hey Brother, and Break Your Heart oh and also be warned, I will have loads of fans wanting to get me, most of them r guys

Ghost: they wouldn't dare touch u, not if I have anything to do about it

DragonWolf: ik and that's why I love u

Ghost: I love u too

DragonWolf: see u in a few

Everyone but Ghost: ok

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