More crazy dares/normal truth

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DragonWolf: guys we have 3 dares and we have 3 truths

Everyone: ok what is it

DragonWolf: "Rebel is it true that u have to cook for everyone, and can i call u 'mother hen' and how's a demon (if someone has a demon form)?"

Rebel: yes it is true and no may not, i hate that nickname

DragonWolf: he really does hate that nickname, and my demon forms r crazy

Raven: not that bad

Nishi: meh

DragonWolf: ok onto the dares, "The guys have to do whatever the girls say, me to break Ghost's guns and a Nintendo, and me and D to eat 100 candies and have a sugar rush."

Guys: seriously DJ

DJ: what?

Girls: *asking whatever they want done*

Guys: *does them*

DJ: D can u hold Ghost back while i break his guns and his Nintendo

DragonWolf: sure but break only one I don't need him killing u *holding Ghost back*

Ghost: *struggling against her grip*

DJ: ok *goes into his armory and breaks only ONE gun and his Nintendo and comes upstairs*

Ghost: ur gonna die

DragonWolf: *hands him a new gun with a decal of his tattoos* will make u feel better

Ghost: yes baby, thanks

DJ and me: *eats 100 candies* 

DJ: *hyper and runs all around the place*

DragonWolf: Ghost i feel sick, like i'm going to throw up

Ghost: u shouldn't have eaten that much candy *says picking her up and takes her to his bathroom and holds her hair*

DragonWolf: *throws up*

Ghost: *wipes her mouth and picks her up carrying her to his bed and tucks her in* sleep babe

DragonWolf: can u sleep with me

Ghost: sure babe

~with the others~

Rebel: well since they're coming back out, leave more truth and dares for us down in the comments down below and send prayers for us.

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