My Singing Dare

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After 6 days

DragonWolf: Ghost

Ghost: *says tiredly* what

DragonWolf: we can finally go back inside and actually sleep together

Ghost: finally

DragonWolf and Ghost: *goes inside* hey guys we're back

Others: hey

DragonWolf: *phone goes off* I have a dare

Ash: what's the dare

DragonWolf: I have to sing

Ghost: seriously

DragonWolf: yeah I have to sing a song all the way to the end of the song

Others: wow

DragonWolf: yep well I better start *breathes in then breathes out* ok I'm ready
Times been ticking hearts are running think that Cupid's up to something you ask me how I feel I say nothing but lately colors seems so bright and the stars light up the night my feet they feel so light I'm ignoring all the signs I keep on fronting they ask they bluffing I keep you wondering keep you hunting for my loving but I crave us hugging yeah I stay stubborn cause I can't admit that you got all the strings and know just how to tug em

I think I'm in love again in my head yeah you're in my head I think I'm in love again in my head yeah you're in my head I didn't think it could be true let alone that it would be you I think I'm in love again I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love.

My heart's pacing I'm confused I'm dazing I saw something I never seen in you it's got me shaking I must be hallucinating I hear it happens, I'm just saying babe I'm just saying someone give me some paper someone give me some crayons I'm feeling like a child I need something to play on I'm trying hard to trust you when you say give me your hand baby I'm falling I hope you catch me when I land

I think I'm in love again in my head yeah you're in my head I think I'm in love again in my head yeah you're in my head I didn't think it could be true let alone that it would be you I think I'm in love again I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love.

In my dreams you're the Dutch and I'm the Duchess and your blunts are always lose so I'm in charge of rolling dutches and we getting so high we always get the munchies and we go for early brunches that turn into late lunches and we ain't got a label we just rolling with the punches I make fun of your belly and tell you to do some crunches and you say well yea your ass jiggles go and do some lunges I say fuck you while I'm thinking of you as my husband

I think I'm in love I think I'm in love again (in my head yeah you're in my head) baby I think I'm in love again I think I'm in love again in my head yeah you're in my head I didn't think it could be true let alone that it would be you I think I'm in love again I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love I think I'm in love again.

Ghost: yeah you're in love with me

DragonWolf: always and forever

Ash: dang you two lovebirds

DragonWolf: what

Ash: nothing

Ghost: don't you think you should end this chapter

DragonWolf: oh yeah duh *hits own head*

Ghost: please don't hit yourself

DragonWolf: you know I never listen

Everyone: yep

DragonWolf: well see y'all next time in the next chapter make sure to leave dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for all of us please

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