Crazy dare

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DragonWolf: oh boy

Ash: you got my dare

DragonWolf: yes and why must you torture me and Ghost

Ash: cause

DragonWolf: you know Ghost is most likely to kill you

Ash: so even if he did Rebel would get pissed

DragonWolf: true alright let me get everyone

Ash: ok

Others: O-O *runs downstairs/upstairs*

DragonWolf l: thank you now we have a dare from drum roll please *drum rolls* ash

Rebel: really babe

Ash: yep

DragonWolf: *whispers to ash* you should show the dare to Rebel

Ash: *whispers back* ok hey Rebel come here I need to show you one of the dares

Rebel: ok *walks over*

Ash: *shows Rebel the last dare*

Rebel: 😶 no way

Ash: yep

DragonWolf: alright so the rest of the dares says this

DragonWolf: alright so the rest of the dares says this

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Ash: cause it will be funny and none of us have to worry about you being a pervert

Swift: I hate you,

DragonWolf: *uses author powers to make Swift's clothes girl clothes* pfft *try's to hold in laugh*

Swift: I hate my life right now

Ghost: ash why must you torture me and DragonWolf

DragonWolf: that's what I asked

Ash: cause it's funny

DragonWolf: I have a feeling that you're going lose this Ghost miserably

Ghost: ya think

DragonWolf: yep wait why can't I be a dragon

Ash: so you don't fly off

DragonWolf: I hate you

Ash: ik

M.C. and Anthony: We can't wait to prank you guys

Everyone: yeah we are going to be needing some luck

M.C.: yep

DragonWolf: well I'm going down to the training room to practice my fighting skills

Everyone: ok

DragonWolf: *goes to training room* *starts to punch the punching bag*

Anthony: ready

M.C.: yep

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