Swift can't be a perv for 48 hours

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D: omg this is such an awesome dare

Keke: thanks

D: np might wanna cover ur ears for a second

Keke: ok *covers her ears*


Keke: now I know y u said to cover my ears ur loud

D: yep

Swift: *walks in the living room* yes

D: keke if u would be so kind as to tell swift his dare

Keke: ok u can't be a perv or say anything perverted for 48 hours

Swift: but that's 2 days and that's so long

Keke: idc, it's a dare and u gotta do it

Swift: damn it welp better tell Chlo

Chlo: *walks I'm not looking at Swift*

Swift: I can't be a perv or say anything perverted for 47 hours

Chlo: *laughs in her head*

Swift: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I don't like it when my baby ignores me

D: well only 5 more days

Swift: damn u Dj

Dj: heheh

Swift: *trying so hard not to be a perv*

Keke: *keeping a very close eye on him* just know that if u fail the dare ur punishment is where u will be locked in a dark closet for 24 hours


~later that day~

Swift: *accidentally says something perverted*

D and Keke: *hears and drags him to the dark closet*


D: ur own fault *closes the closet door* bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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