Dj ignores Stace for 24 hours

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D: another ignoring bf dare Dj

Dj: yep but this time for me and Stace

D: ok

Stace: what's the dare this time D

D: I can't tell u

Stace: y not

D: just can't

Stace: ok hey Dj

No answer

Stace: babe

Again no answer

Stace: is she ok

D: yea she's fine Dj

Dj: yea D

Stace: she'll answer u but not me

D: it would seem so

~few hours later~

Stace: Dj y won't u answer me

Dj: *playing on her phone*

Stace: babe pls answer me

~a few more hours later~

Dj: whatcha doing D

D: writing a song

Dj: cool can I hear part of it

D: sure

U gotta believe it, u gotta believe me when I say
U gotta believe in it, u gotta believe in me
If u don't believe, then ur a fool to not believe in it

I'm always telling people to believe me
When I say something's have happened to me
But they don't believe me, so this is what I ask them

Dj: wow

D: thanks it's called "Better Believe It"

(Currently writing this song and I'm still figuring out the words, so might take me while to write it, and when it's finished, I will write it on the things I do book)

Dj: that's cool

D: thanks

Stace: what's cool

D: my new song I'm writing

Stace: cool, babe wanna play some games

Dj: *goes to walk off*

Stace: *grabs her wrists gently and forces her to look at him*

D: remember when u did that to me dude, I almost punched u in the face

Stace: ik ik, but I just want her to answer me

D: she ain't gonna answer u when u do that

Stace: *lets her go* ur right

Dj: *goes to room*

~time skip brought to by Godzilla~

D: and it's been 24 hours and ur dare is up Dj

Dj: ok

Stace: so it was a dare

Dj: yep

Stace: ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

Dj: heheheh

D: bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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