Swags and punks have to be pregnant for a day 😅

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DragonWolf: *laptop dings and looks at the notification* o boy, the punks and the swags r not going to like this

Ghost: what's that supposed to mean

DragonWolf: u and ur brothers and the swags have to be pregnant for a day

Rebel: we heard that and r u crazy

DragonWolf: I think this will be funny

Swift: how is that supposed to be funny

DragonWolf: it just will

M.C.: u r insane

DragonWolf: ik, also I wonder how the swag lords will react to being pregnant for a day

Swag lords: how will we react to what

DragonWolf: being pregnant for a day

Swag lords: WTF

DragonWolf: well better get onto the dare *uses powers to make the punks and the swag lords pregnant* this will be awesome

Ghost: this will not be awesome

Swag Leo: this feels so wrong on so many levels

Swag Donnie: this is so not cool

Swag Raph: ur telling me, look at our stomachs

Swag Mikey: we all got belly bumps

Rebel, Swift, and M.C.: stfu

Swag lords: 😳

Swag Leo: so is it going to be easy or r u going to be torturing us

DragonWolf: hmm I'm gonna go with torturing u guys

Punks and swag lords: y must u torture us, we're already being tortured by being pregnant for just one day

DragonWolf: ik I just wanna be evil to u guys

Ghost: even me

DragonWolf: yes Ghost, even you

Punks and swag lords: y do u wanna be evil towards us

DragonWolf: cuz I can, and I already know how I'm going to torture u guys

M.C.: how

Swift: yea whatcha gonna do

Rebel: it's probably not going to be torture for me and Ghost cuz we can take anything

DragonWolf: *says in John Cena's voice* are you sure about that

Ghost: seriously babe, John Cena's voice

DragonWolf: yep

Swag Leo: what exactly r u going to use to torture us

DragonWolf: I'm so glad u asked

Swag Donnie: and y r u glad we asked

DragonWolf: because this is how I'm going go be torturing u guys *holding a shock button for guys only* see this

Punks and swags: yea so what is it

DragonWolf: this is called an "electro shock button" and it's for guys only who have to wear belly bumps

Punks and swags: r u insane

DragonWolf: 😏 maybe

Ghost: why must u torture us with this

DragonWolf: cuz I can

Jade: hey guys, uhh what's going on here

DragonWolf: the punks and the swags got a dare, which is they have to be pregnant for a day

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