Pranking Shadow

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D: oo I love this dare, yay now we get to prank shadow

Keke: hehe

Shadow: u girls gonna do what now

D: nothing

Shadow: y does that make me scared

D: idk

Keke: *in bathroom switching shadow's shampoo for syrup* *runs to her room*

Shadow: I'm gonna go get a shower

D: ok

Shadow: *goes to bathroom*

D: did u do it

Keke: yep he's gonna be so mad, also I told the girls what the dare is and they're all for it

D: awesome

Chlo: I'll do the next prank

D: k

~with shadow~

Shadow: *grabs his shampoo and uses it only to find out it's syrup* AHHHHHHHH WTF WHO SWITCHED MY SHAMPOO WITH SYRUP?!?!?!?

~with the girls~

Girls: *trying so hard not to laugh*

Chlo: my turn *replaces Shadow's Cheetos for baby carrots*

Shadow: *comes out of bathroom and goes to kitchen and grabs his Cheetos and eats one and spits it out* ugh was that a baby carrot?

Shy: *puts plastic wrap from wall to wall in the hallway*

Shadow: *walks through them and falls backwards* WHAT IS GOING ON HERE????!!!!

Ash: *makes Shadow's favorite cookies but it's actually mashed potatoes and canned black beans*

Shadow: *goes back to the kitchen and grabs a cookie and eats it and realizes the real taste* ACK EW GROSS-GUSTING

Jade and Carl: *cuts up a giant paper spider and puts it on the inside of the lamp and waits for shadow to turn on the lamp*

Shadow: *turns on the lamp and sees the silhouette of the spider and screams like a little bitch*

V: *takes a coaster and a glass of water and puts the coaster on top of the glass and flips it and pulls the coaster very fast and waits for shadow to pick it up*

Shadow: *picks up the glass not knowing it's filled with water and gets soaked* aw cmon

Nishi, Raven, and Alice: *prank calls shadow*

Shadow: yes

Raven: did u order Pizza Hut

Shadow: no I didn't u have the wrong number

Nishi: well we got an order of pineapple and mushrooms pizza

Shadow: I didn't order that

Alice: ok so that'll be $17.12

Shadow: I DIDN'T ORDER PIZZA HUT *hangs up the phone*

D: my turn *takes the toilet paper and draws multiple spiders on it and puts it back*

Shadow: *goes to the bathroom and reaches for toilet paper and sees multiple spiders on it and screams*

D: hahahahhahaha anywayd bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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