Truth: who we like/new person

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(P.S. this is what Glock looks like, he's Slash's brother)

DragonWolf: *gets a notification and looks at it* o so we have to admit who like, sounds like a good truth, Raven

Raven: thanks

DragonWolf: np, also we have a new person

Raven: who

~door bell rings~

DragonWolf: that's him now, he's Slash's brother, Glock *opens the door*

Glock: hey guys

DragonWolf: sup Glock

Raven: *says in head* woah, he's hot

DragonWolf: *waves hand in front of her face* hello earth to Raven

Raven: sorry

Glock: it's fine

Raven: also how r u going to get to get the others

DragonWolf: like this *turns Bluetooth phone/speakers on and plays video of air horns*


DragonWolf: *hysterically laughing*

Raven: u r evil

DragonWolf: *says while laughing* I know I am, I've been told that a million times

Everyone: *runs downstairs* ur so dead for that

DragonWolf: aren't I always

Everyone: -_- bitch

DragonWolf: again aren't I always

Everyone: ok so what's the dare

DragonWolf: no dare, just a truth

Everyone: ok what's the truth

DragonWolf: we all have to admit who we like

Everyone: sounds easy

DragonWolf: I like Ghost

Ghost: I like DragonWolf

Ash: I like Rebel

Rebel: I like Ash

Shy: I like M.C.

M.C.: I like shy

Chlo: I like Swift

Swift: I like Chlo

Jade: I like Caesar

Caesar: I like Jade

Carl: I like Anthony

Anthony: I like Carl

Stella: I like ant

Ant: I like Stella

Vicki: I like Slash

Slash: I like Vicki

Nishi: I like Kita

Kita: I like Nishi

Alex: I like Orlin

Orlin: I like Alex

Raven: *says quietly* I like Glock

Glock: *says quietly* I think I like Raven

DragonWolf: ok then, bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye

(Also Raven, is it ok, in this one that u have a little crush on Glock, since Rebel is already taken by Ash?)

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