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DragonWolf: *phone goes off* yasss they know my favorite thing to do.

Chlo: which is

DragonWolf: swimming with sharks

Shy: did you say sharks

DragonWolf: yep and we all have to do it

Ash: no no no I'm not doing this

DragonWolf: oh yes you are

Ghost: what's the dare and what are we doing for this dare

DragonWolf: we have to swim with sharks


DragonWolf: idk but swimming with sharks is my favorite thing to do in the world, besides going to dragon world, and going to a gun show

M.C.: oh boy let's go get ready

Swift: ready for what

DragonWolf: we have to go swimming with sharks today yas I can't wait.

Swift: oh boy this could go wrong in so many ways

DragonWolf: you don't know that

Ghost: remember the shark incident

DragonWolf: that was different

Chlo: how is that any different

DragonWolf: well for one thing we went to the beach and another thing I saved that shark, this is different, we are not going to the shallows. Most likely the deep where all the sharks are

Ghost: if you get hurt I am going to find the person that dared us this dare

DragonWolf: you do know that you guys have to come with us

Ghost: ik but I'm just saying

DragonWolf: alright then, let's go get ready in 5 minutes and meet back in the living room

Everyone but me: alright *goes to their rooms to get ready for the dare*

5 minutes later

DragonWolf: is everyone ready

Everyone: yeah

DragonWolf: then let's go *teleports everyone to a boat in the middle of the ocean* so who's going to jump first

Everyone: not me

DragonWolf: alright then I'll go first *jumps in water*

Ghost: babe you good

DragonWolf: you have to jump it's so amazing down here

Ghost: alright *jumps in*

DragonWolf: alright who's next

Shy: I'll go with M.C.

M.C.: ok *holds shy's hand*

Both: *jumps in*

Jade: me and Caesar will go

Caesar: ok

Both: *jumps in*

Ash: Rebel you going to jump with me

Rebel: heck yeah I'm not about to let you jump in by yourself

Ash: ok

Both: *jumps in*

Chlo, Swift, Carl, and Anthony jumped in at the same time

Chlo: OMG this is amazing

DragonWolf: ikr oh how I love the ocean *goes underwater* *comes back up for air* guys the sharks are here

Everyone: ok

DragonWolf: whatever you do don't panic, stay calm, and don't swim in a panicky motion let the sharks come and be gentle they won't hurt you if you don't hurt them kay

Everyone: *nods their heads*

DragonWolf: look *sees multiple shark fins* *goes underwater* *swimming with sharks*

Ghost: DragonWolf where did you go

Everyone: oh no this is not good

DragonWolf: *jumps out of water on sharks back* hey guys *goes back underwater*

Everyone: 😮😮😮😮 what the heck

Ghost: DragonWolf come back

DragonWolf: *comes up* yeah

Ghost: you never told us that you could actually ride a shark

DragonWolf: well ever since that day that I saved that shark, I may have been coming over and swimming with sharks


DragonWolf: cause it's fun


DragonWolf: relax besides I'm immortal and so are you guys

Everyone: say what now

DragonWolf: yeah I made you guys immortal so that way if you guys do something extremely crazy you won't die

Everyone: wow dang

Jade: wait did you make me, Caesar, and Anthony immortal

DragonWolf: yep

Jade: cool

DragonWolf: alright it's bout to turn dark, let's head back *teleports everyone back to the crib dry*

M.C.: yes sweet sweet ground being in the water with sharks is so crazy idk how you can do it DragonWolf

Everyone: yeah

DragonWolf: well let's just say that I'm a savage

Ghost: you got that right

Everyone: yep

DragonWolf: alright well that is the end for this dare make sure to leave truths and dares in the comments and send prayers for the punks, the girls, Caesar, Anthony, and me bye everyone say bye

Everyone: bye

DragonWolf: including you Ghost

Ghost: fine bye

TMNT street punks and friends truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now