Ghost's dare

52 4 18

DragonWolf: *laptop dings* *reads dare* oh god

Shy: what is it, and where's ur phone

DragonWolf: ok 1: Ghost has to eat raisin bread and 2: my phone is charging

Shy: o, also I don't think Ghost is going to like that dare

DragonWolf: nope, hold on let me get everyone, GUYS GET UR ASSES IN HERE BEFORE I BURN UR STUFF

Everyone else: girl r u crazy

DragonWolf: yes, yes I am crazy

Everyone: y

DragonWolf: bc it's my normal also Ghost u have a dare

Ghost: great what's the dare

DragonWolf: u have to eat raisin bread

Ghost: really

DragonWolf: yep

Ghost: ok but we don't have raisin bread

DragonWolf: hold up *teleports to the store, buys a slice of raisin bread and teleports back to the crib* now we do

Ghost: wow, that was fast

DragonWolf: do u wanna get this dare over and done with or not

Ghost: yes

DragonWolf: ok, now eat the goddamn raisin bread

Everyone: damn girl u can be scary AF

DragonWolf: I'm not trying to be

Ghost: u kinda are tho

DragonWolf: well I'm sorry but stop procrastinating and just eat the bread

Ghost: ok ok ok *eats the raisin bread* god damn that is disgusting

DragonWolf: I bet, I tried it before and it tasted like shit

Ghost: I bet

DragonWolf: yep well that's all for today, see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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