Ash's dare cont./ambush

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DragonWolf: so how do u like the dare Ash?

Ash: .......

DragonWolf: ok then

Ghost: I still don't know why she has to act like me

DragonWolf: because it's a dare that she dared herself to do

Ash: *crosses arms*

Rebel: I don't like this dare

DragonWolf: sorry Rebel a dare's a dare, she gotta do it

Rebel: even tho I don't like it

DragonWolf: yep

Ash: *walks away and goes to sit on the couch*

DragonWolf: ok so I'm going to the forest to go train

Ghost: ok

DragonWolf: *teleports to the forest*

At the forest:

DragonWolf: *punching a tree, uses bow and arrow, guns, and throwing knives to shoot, scratch, throw at targets, uses swords and scythes to train at a dummy*

At the crib:

Ghost: *cleaning his guns*

Rebel: *cooking dinner while thinking about ash and her dare*

Swift: *doing what he normally does*

M.C.: *spray painting the purple dragons hideout*

Vicki, Jade, Stella, and Carl: *playing a game*

Anthony, Ant, Slash, and Caesar: *watching their girlfriends play the game*

Nishi: *playing with Alex*

Chlo and Shy: *shopping at the mall*

Swift: god I'm so bored

Everyone except Ash: same

Ash: *says nothing and is on phone*

Ghost: I feel like I'm being mocked

Rebel: that's pretty much the whole idea about the dare, ur supposed to feel like that

Ghost: I was being sarcastic

Rebel: I know you were being sarcastic, I'm just mad about this dare

Ghost: I'm sure, wonder what DragonWolf is up to

Rebel: idk, why don't u call her

Ghost: I would but she doesn't have her phone with her

Rebel: damn

Ghost: yea, I guess I could just wait for her

Rebel: that sounds like a good idea

Ghost: shut up

At the forest:

DragonWolf: *starts to sweat* ooo boy, I'm getting tired let me just punch through this tree and then I'm heading back. *punches through the tree* ok now I'm heading ba- *hears footsteps in the forest* what the

Hun: well well well look what we have here

Purple dragons: *comes out from their hiding places*

DragonWolf: damn it, *calls the others using glasses* Guys

Everyone: DragonWolf what's wrong

DragonWolf: *static* purple dragons...need help...AMBUSH *line goes dead*

Everyone except Ash: WE GOTTA HELP HER,

*everyone grabs their weapons*

Chlo and Shy: *gets back from shopping* what's going on

Ghost: DragonWolf just got ambushed

Chlo and Shy: well what r we waiting for let's go *grabs their weapons*

Everyone: *runs to the forest and goes to where DragonWolf is being ambushed*

DragonWolf: *fights back, sees everyone rushing towards me* oh thank god

Hun: *knocks her out on the head*

DragonWolf: *gets knocked out cold*

Everyone: *gets mad and starts fighting the purple dragons*

Ghost: *fights Hun* if u lay one hand on her again, I will kill u

Hun: heh, ur just a freak, y would she ever wanna be with u, she should be with me

Ghost: *gets pissed off* *gets his guns out and starts shouting at Hun*

Hun: *tries to dodge the last bullet but fails and falls down dead*

Everyone except Ash: *finishes off the rest of the purple dragons* is she ok

Ghost: yea she just got knocked out, cmon let's go home

Everyone except Ash: ok

Ghost: *picks up DragonWolf and carries her back to the crib*

At the crib:

Ghost: shy can u end this chapter please,

DragonWolf's still knocked out

Shy: sure

Ghost: thanks

Shy: np, bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye, and pray for DragonWolf, hopefully she'll be ok

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