Two dares in one

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D: omg Keke this is awesome, both of the dares but I think the boys r going to kill us for using their money to go on a huge shopping spree, even tho I just buy guns and like one outfit

Keke: yep but it'll be worth it and then me and u have to 2 krangs while our boyfriends watch and can't do anything

D: yep so lemme get the girls

Ash, Shy, Chlo, Jade, Carl, Stella, Nishi, Orlin, Raven, Alice, Dj, Avery: we're already cuz we heard the word 'shopping spree'

D: o lord and yes but with the boys money

Ash: o lord who's dare

D: Keke's

Shy: thank u so much Keke

Keke: ur welcome now let's go

D: I got all their credit cards *hands the girls their boyfriends credit cards*

Chlo: how did u get them

D: girls u guys r literally living with a theif

Avery: o yea

D: and me, Chlo, Raven, and Avery r in a gang called the badass bitches

V: no shit

D: heheheh now let's go *teleports me and the girls to the mall* now go crazy girls and meet back in the food court

Girls: ok *goes to their favorite stores and goes on a huge shopping spree

D: *goes to a store and buys a badass outfit and goes to the gun shop and buys almost all the guns, parts, and ammo*

~2 hours later~

Girls and D: *meets at the food court*

D: u girls ready

Girls: yep

D: ok let's go *teleports me and the girls back home*

Boys: *mad and is waiting for the girls in the living room*

Girls: uh oh

D: aw shit

Boys: *ranting and their girls for taking their credit cards and going on a shopping spree*

Girls except D: *shows them what they got for their boyfriends*

Boys except Ghost: *looks at what the girls got them and literally doesn't stay mad at them*

D: follow me Ghost I think u won't stay mad for long

Ghost: o really *very pissed off*

Ghost: o really *very pissed off*

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(That's how pissed he is)

D: *goes down to the armory and puts the bag with the outfit in their room and puts the two bags filled with guns, gun parts, and bullets on the table*

Ghost: what's in the bags

D: *smirks and pulls everything out*

Ghost: *jaw drops* what'd u do buy the entire store

D: eh u could say that now help me put these guns, gun parts, and bullets up

Ghost: now I can't stay mad at u since u bought the gun I've been wanting for life

D: another reason y I almost bought the entire store, this little fucker was hiding from me

Ghost: hehe *hugs her and kisses her*

D: *kisses back*

Ghost: *helps her put all the guns, gun parts, and bullets up*

D: thanks babe now onto to the second dare

Ghost: am I gonna like it

D: maybe maybe not cmon let's go

Ghost: ok

D: Keke ur ready

Keke: yep so is shadow

Shadow: I don't know what I'm ready for

Ghost: u and me both I don't know what we're in for

D: *teleports Keke, shadow, and Ghost outside and conjures up 2 Krangs* this

Ghost: THE KRANG *grabs his guns*

D: uhuh not this time let's do this Keke

Keke: with pleasure

D and Keke: *fights off the 2 KRANG droids*

Shadow and Ghost: *thinks* wow my babe/baby looks sexy/hot fighting off the KRANG droids

KRANG droids: *shattered to pieces*

D: awesome, I've been itching for a fight

Keke: ur welcome

Shadow: *hugs Keke from behind*

Ghost: *does the same to D*

Keke and D: *blushes 100 shades of red*

D: bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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