Babies with a gun (girls vs. their boyfriends)

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DragonWolf: omg this will be so awesome and hilarious, hey girls come here

Girls: *come to the living room* yea what is it

DragonWolf: *shows them the dare* so u guys wanna do it

Girls: hell yea

DragonWolf: ok *copies gun and gives it to them and then turns them into babies*

(The baby is all of us girls and the two guys will be our boyfriends)

Our boyfriends: *come into the room and sees their girlfriends as babies holding a gun* those  are babies with a gun. Babies with a gun. We're calling the police. They hung up. It's babies with a gun. *grabs sugar* that's just sugar.

Aw it's babies with a gun. BABIES WITH A GUN! Who sent y'all? Was it Brian. We'll buy him a new turban. *calls life insurance company* does our life insurance cover babies with guns? O really. Alright. Get out! How bout we all trade? Ok, we'll give u this and you guys give us that now, isn't that better — oh.

We're really stupid. Not so nice is it? No! Huh, we're men with a gun. What are you guys? You're babies with a gun. You guys are nothing. We're sorry that was mean, you guys didn't deserve that, you're young, just take ours.

Oh, now it's babies with two guns. Where's the babies? There's the babies. Why don't y'all leave? GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE! We're hiding in the fridge now. You know we kind of want them to shoot us! So when God's like, oh ah hey boys how did you die? We don't know god, maybe like we were shot by babies with a gun.

Us girls (babies): *laughs*

Our boyfriends: don't laugh at us! That's sick, you're all really sick babies with a gun. *moving around fast* ya, it's not easy, not easy to hit moving targets

Us girls (babies): *shoot at our boyfriends*

Our boyfriends: y'all have to leave

Us girls (babies): *gets kicked out but see new target*

Random person: oh, look at these little babies, o no they got a gun AHHH AHHH AHHHH~~

Our boyfriends: we have to move

DragonWolf: *turns us back to normal and walks inside the house* did u guys have to kick us out

Girls: yea

Our boyfriends: wtf, u guys were the babies with the guns

Girls: yep sorry for shooting y'all

DragonWolf: same

Our boyfriends: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 never do that again

DragonWolf: no promises anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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