Girls have twerk/possibly get raped after

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D: omg Keke we're so gonna regret this

Keke: ik and I'm sorry


All the teen girls: *comes in the living room* yea

D: we have to twerk off

Girls: omg we're so gonna get raped

Guys: y

D: this

All the teen girls including D: *twerks off at their boyfriends*

All the teen boys including Ghost: *smirks and grabs their girls going to their rooms and starts to well, u know fuck them*

Alex: well since that's happening I guess we'll end off the chapter

Orlin: I guess

Alex: bye y'all see y'all next time

Orlin: and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below

Alex and Orlin: and send prayers for us bye~

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