Unicorn dare/Halloween costume truth

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DragonWolf: *thinking about more words for new song* *gets notification and looks at it* man I really need to work on this song, but let's just get this done and over with, GUYS WE HAVE A DARE

Everyone: what's the dare

DragonWolf: we have to be unicorns

Ghost: srslly

DragonWolf: yep, alright let's get this done and over with *turns everyone and self into unicorns*

Ghost: I feel weird

Nishi: I love being a unicorn

Girls except me and Nishi: this feels awkward

Guys: y must we be tortured by dares like this

DragonWolf: cuz we do, how long until we can turn back to normal cuz we also have a truth

Nishi: for a few minutes, I really wanna know what the truth is

DragonWolf: i think u guys are going to like it

Ghost: o really

DragonWolf: mhm

~a few minutes later~

DragonWolf: ok time to turn back to normal *turns everyone and self back to normal*

Girls: that feels better

Guys: finally now can we go

DragonWolf: no we also have a truth

Guys/girls: dang it

Swift: what's the truth

DragonWolf: what would everyone be for next Halloween?

Everyone: nice

DragonWolf: me and Ghost already figured ours, we would go as this

DragonWolf: me and Ghost already figured ours, we would go as this

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Shy: no kidding, u two go great as that

Ghost and me: thanks

Chlo: me and Swift would go as this

Chlo: me and Swift would go as this

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