Ghost has to do what me and Dj say for 48h (Day 2)

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D: I completely forgot about this, sorry Dj

Dj: it's fine, Ghost!!!!

Ghost: *runs in* yes, what's wrong?!?

Dj: can I have a hug?

Ghost: ok first *hugs Dj*

Dj: *hugs back*

Ghost: and second, u just freaked me out because I thought something was wrong

Dj: sorry

D: Ghost?

Ghost: yes D?

D: can I also have a hug?

G: *watching*

Ghost: sure *hugs her*

G: *slowly feels jealous*

D: *hugs back*

Ghost: *breaks hug*

D: *breaks hug* that's it viewers, we weren't going to make him do anything nuts or crazy, so bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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