The crazy truth pt.2

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DragonWolf: cool got another truth, only for me this time. Cool, and I know the truth everyone should know since I haven't told for 7 months.

Ghost: and that is

DragonWolf: hold up let me get everyone

Everyone but Ghost: AHHHHH WHAT THE HELL D

DragonWolf: sorry but I have a truth

Everyone except Alex: ok and what is it

DragonWolf: *takes a deep breath* I'm an assassin

Everyone except Alex: UR WHAT?!?!?

DragonWolf: I'm an assassin

Ghost: how!!??

DragonWolf: I come from a long, long, long, looooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg line of assassins. My whole family was assassins. Hell that's my last name, it's Amy's last name, Bryan's last name, and it's Alex's last name.

Orlin: Alex ur an assassin

Alex: yep, but we only kill a selected target or targets, never family.

DragonWolf: mhm

Ghost: that's just hard to believe

Guys: yea it is

DragonWolf: well that's the truth

Amy: u finally told them

Bryan: u too Alex

Alex and me: yes we did, we kept it for months, because we didn't know how they would react

Ghost: but we could kinda guess

Amy, Bryan, Alex, and me: how?!?!!

Everyone but me, Alex, Bryan, and Amy: ur personalities

Amy, Bryan, Alex, and me: eh u got a point

DragonWolf: alright bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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