Swift has "corona"

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D: o man this will be awesome GIRLS

Girls: *runs to the living room* what's the dare

Keke: I dare the girls to go to the guys saying that Swift has corona and run away from Swift

Chlo: u guys must hate Swift

D: everyone does for some reason anyways let's do the dare

Girls: ok

Girls and D: *runs to the guys except Swift*

Guys except Swift: what is it girls

Girls and D: Swift has corona

Guys: WHAT *forms a circle around the girls protecting them from Swift*

Swift: hey guys, what's with the circle around the girls

Ghost: don't come any closer

Swift: y

Rebel: u have the goddamn corona

Swift: I got tested yesterday and it came back negative

D: *teleports me and girls to my attic*


D: *whispers* bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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