A failed kidnap (part 2)

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DragonWolf: *walking through the forest with Ghost* see what I told u about the forest, it's not that bad

Ghost: yea and u were right

DragonWolf: hehe aren't I always

Ghost: no ur not always right now r u

DragonWolf: mm touché but u know u love me

Ghost: as always

DragonWolf: *hears footsteps* shh

Ghost: what is it

DragonWolf: I hear something, sounds like footsteps

Ghost: which way is it coming from

DragonWolf: *listens to which way the noise is at* that way *points to the left* I'm going to go check it out

Ghost: r u crazy what if something happens

DragonWolf: Ghost I am perfectly capable of fighting off whatever is in that direction

Ghost: u sure

DragonWolf: positive

Ghost: ok but be careful please

DragonWolf: I will *runs off to where the noise is coming from*

Lisa (fake mom): I know ur here bitch

DragonWolf: *accidentally steps on a stick and breaks it* dang it

Lisa: I hear u, *walks over to DragonWolf* hi bitch

DragonWolf: hi mother fucking bitch to u 2 *slaps Lisa* I have always hated u

Lisa: *pulls out dagger and stabs her in shoulder*

DragonWolf: *screams* AHHH GHOST

Ghost: *hears DragonWolf* DRAGONWOLF *runs over to her* u bitch what have u done to her

Lisa: and who the fuck r u

Ghost: her boyfriend for ur information slut

Lisa: oh shut up

Ghost: leave her alone before I shoot u

Lisa: *laughs snotty* u don't have the guts

Ghost: u sure about that

Lisa: hell yea

Ghost: *shoots her leg*

Lisa: fuck, *staggers off*

Ghost: u ok babe

DragonWolf: yea she just stabbed my shoulder

Ghost: see what I told u, I told u this was going to happen

DragonWolf: and I hate it when you r right

Ghost: but u love me

DragonWolf: always

Ghost: *picks d up bridal style and carries her back to the crib* *opens the back door and sets down d* brb

DragonWolf: ok

Ghost: *grabs stuff to fix her shoulder* ok this is going to hurt a little ok

DragonWolf: ok

Ghost: *pour the alcohol on the wound*

DragonWolf: *winces a little*

Ghost: ik ik I'm sorry but at least this will keep it from getting infected

DragonWolf: ok

Ghost: *wraps bandages around her shoulder* there good as new

DragonWolf: thanks Ghost

Ghost: np

A/N this was a part 2 of the failed kidnap, and this time Ghost saved me from my fake mom like I saved him from my fake dad. Also I have a new person joining us in the next chapter so yea

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