😑Swag lords r joining us for today 😑

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DragonWolf: *laptop dings and looks at the notification* R U SERIOUS THERE IS NO WAY THE SWAG LORDS R COMING HERE

Shy: wait did u say the swag lords r coming here

DragonWolf: YES

Shy: omg why tho

DragonWolf: it's for a dare

~doorbell rings~


Ghost: u don't have to yell u know

DragonWolf: sorry but the swag lords r here

Swag lords: yes and we're here to stay

DragonWolf: the hell u r, ur only staying as long as I say u can stay because this is my story not urs

Swag Leo: yea but we're older than u

Ghost: yea but I'm the only one who can tell her what to do not u swag lords

Swag lords: 😶 u wouldn't dare

Ghost: o but I would, she's my girlfriend, and I have no right to treat her that way and I will not hesitate to kill you Swag lords

Swag lords: ok and yea we will definitely not be messing with ur girlfriend

Ghost: yea if I were u, I'd watch my back

Swag lords: *slowly backs away from Ghost*

DragonWolf: ok enough chit chat, u guys and the swag lords have a dare

Punks and the swag lords: and what's that supposed to be

DragonWolf: u guys have to eat a 100 chicken nuggets

Swags and punks: r u insane, we'll be puking our guys out, that's a lot of chicken nuggets

DragonWolf: ik, so I better go order Wendy's chicken nuggets, y u may ask, bc their chicken nuggets r the best and I'm pretty sure they'll be glad to have a lot of money so brb *teleports to Wendy's*

Worker: hi how may I help u

DragonWolf: hi umm, do u think it would be possible if I could have 800 chicken nuggets

Workers: u want to order 800 chicken nuggets

DragonWolf: yes

Workers: o we got a big one time to work our magic

~1 hour later~

Workers: here's ur 800 chicken nuggets

DragonWolf: thanks

Workers: no problem bye

DragonWolf: bye *teleports back to the crib* ok I'm back and even tho the dare said 100 chicken nuggets, I decided to go with 800 chicken nuggets just to make it fair for the punks/swags


DragonWolf: u guys do know who ur talking to right punks

Swag lords: hey why not us

DragonWolf: bc u guys don't know who the fuck I am

Swag lords: yea I got a point

DragonWolf: alright now eat the goddamn chicken nuggets so this dare can be done with this

Punks and swag lords: alright fine

~2 hours later~

Punks except Ghost: *groans* my stomach hurts

Swag lords: *puking their guts out*

Ghost: we did try to tell u about the dare

DragonWolf: again not my idea, but it was kinda funny to me with the swag lords puking their guts out

Ghost: a little

Swag lords: never again, now if u guys will excuse us can u teleport us out of here and back to our house so we can take a shower

DragonWolf: yea I'm not too keen on u guys being here for the dare

Swag lords: just do it

DragonWolf: watch ur tongues, I will cut them off

Swag lords: 😐😟😰

DragonWolf: that's what I thought, *teleports the swag lords back to their house*

Ghost: finally their gone

M.C.: I never wanna see their swag faces again

Swift: same here

Rebel: they suck

DragonWolf: hell yea they do anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us including the swag lords, heh their totally going to be needing it

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