My skydiving dare

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DragonWolf: *laptop dings and looks at the notification* omg this will be awesome, Ghost is so going to have a heart attack

Ghost: and how am I going to have a heart attack

DragonWolf: hold up let me get the others

Ghost: o........k

DragonWolf: *snickers* hey guys I have a dare and someone is going to have a heart attack *points to Ghost*

Everyone: cool, and what's the dare

DragonWolf: I have to go skydiving


DragonWolf: sorry Ghost, it's a dare and I dare that I will do cause I've always wanted to do it

Ghost: ur not doing it

DragonWolf: and who's going to stop me, not u *teleports to plane with skydiving equipment*

Ghost: she's doing it, isn't she

Everyone but Ghost: yep

With DragonWolf

DragonWolf: *in plane that's going higher and higher* omg this is going to be awesome, I should record myself, *taps side of tech glasses to record what's about to happen* hey guys I'm bout to jump out of this plane and sky dive

With everyone else

Everyone: *gets a live recording of DragonWolf skydiving* o god

Ghost: *freaking out*

With DragonWolf

DragonWolf: *plane stops at the specific height to sky dive*

Pilot: *yells* alright, ur good to go

DragonWolf: *yells back* ok *jumps out of the plane and is now skydiving* woohoo this is awesome

With everyone

Everyone: omg she's doing it, that looks so fun

Ghost: r u guys insane, she could get hurt

Everyone: yea but we think she has a parachute

With DragonWolf

DragonWolf: wanna know the crazy thing, I'm doing this without a parachute, when I get almost close to the ground, my wings will come out and I will fly back to the crib

With everyone

Everyone: never mind

Ghost: see what I mean

Everyone: hey, u know DragonWolf, she'll be fine

Ghost: ik but, that's not gonna save her from getting in trouble with me

Everyone: oo boy

Ghost: yep

With DragonWolf

DragonWolf: *almost gets close to the ground, wings come out and flies to the crib* I'm in so much trouble for this

With everyone

Everyone: ya think

Ghost: hell yea u r in so much trouble for this

With DragonWolf

DragonWolf: *finally arrives at the crib* ok my dare is done and it was awesome and I regret nothing

Ghost: o ur gonna regret it in a few minutes

DragonWolf: and what do u mean by that

Ghost: because I'm taking away ur privileges to hug me

DragonWolf: aw come on Ghost, it was only a dare

Ghost: uhuh ur still in trouble

DragonWolf: god I swear u r so overprotective of me

Everyone: hell yea u r

Ghost: ik I am, and it's my job to be overprotective of u, I don't want anything happening to u

DragonWolf: ik anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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