Scare the boys dare/prank

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D: *looks at the dare* omg Dj, I have the perfect prank for the 3 of us to do to the boys.

Dj: rlly

D: yep, I've been wanting to do this prank on the guys forever and now I get to do it with my two best friends

Jay: awww thxs

Dj: ur gonna make me cry

D: well it's true, u guys r my best friends

Jay and Dj: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

D: ok now let's do the dare/prank

Jay and Dj: ok

D: ok so the girls r out of town for a girls ONLY weekend so the guys r out doing what they normally do so this gives us plenty of time to prepare for the dare/prank

Jay: awesome

Dj: ok so what do we need

D: all we need is fake blood and I'll use my powers to our heads invisible to make it look like our heads were cut off

Jay and Dj: omg D, this sounds like a cruel but awesome dare/prank

D: ik

Dj: but what if they feel for our pulse

D: I'll just freeze our bloodstreams for a few minutes

Jay: ok let's do this

D: k *goes to my room and grabs the fake blood and comes out and puts the fake blood on all 3 of us like a pro* ok the fake blood is on our necks now find a position anywhere in the room and stay there

Dj: *finds her spot and does a sprawled position*

D: *makes Dj's head invisible and freezes her bloodstream*

Jay: *lays down on the floor on her back*

D: *makes Jay's head invisible and freezes her bloodstream* *sits on the couch and lays head down on the arm of the couch and makes head invisible and freezes my bloodstream*

~few hours later~

Boys and new guy: *comes back and sees Dj, Jay, and D in their spots with their heads cut off*

Stace: *runs to Dj's side and checks for her pulse but feels nothing* NOOO DJ

Ghost: *runs to D's side and checks for her pulse but feels nothing* .....u said u...were immortal....

Connor Vensmith: *runs to Jay's side and checks for her pulse but feels nothing* she doesn't have a pulse


D: *links minds with Dj and Jay and talks to them in their minds* in 3 seconds we'll jump up and say HAH U GOT PRANKED

Dj and Jay: ok

D: 3

Dj: 2

Jay: 1

The 3 of us: *jumps up and shouts at the boys* HAH U GOT PRANKED

D: *unfreezes our bloodstreams and makes our heads visible*

Boys: *jumps and is so scared now*

D: I've been wanting to do this to u guys forever *sees Connor Vensmith* u

Connor Vensmith: *sees D and immediately recognizes her* D, holy shit I've been trying to find u and tell u how much-

D: *interrupts him* sorry Connor but I don't have a crush on u anymore, I'm actually in a relationship with Ghost

Ghost: *narrows eyes at Connor*

Connor: o ok *feels so embarrassed now for saying that in front of D's boyfriend*

Ghost: *whispers to D* ....ur still in....trouble....for doing me....

D: *slightly scared*

Ghost: *picks her up and takes her to his room and locks armory door and his bedroom door and does the 'thing'*

Stace: don't scare me like that again Dj

Dj: ehh it was actually my dare

Stace: y would u dare something like that

Dj: cuz I can

Stace: ur crazier than D

Dj: yep

Jay: welp I'm gonna go bye y'all *teleports to her place*

Connor: what about me?

Rebel: *shows him where's he's staying*

Connor: thanks

Dj: since Ghost is punishing D I'll end this for her bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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