Ghost has to sing

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D: oh my god, I'm so dead right now

Ghost: why

D: well you were dared to sing

Ghost: really

Me: yep

Ghost: alright

Song above is the song Ghost is singing

After singing

Everyone but Ghost: wow who knew ghost could sing

D: well now we do, well now that's over I'm going to the forest to go visit my wolf family

Everyone but me: SAY WHAT

Ghost: no your not

D: how in the f**king world you going to stop me, I can teleport for god sakes in fact that's what I'm going to do now

D: *teleports to grey wolf family*

Everyone: ugh well now we have to find her

Ghost: yep, except I can track her phone

Everyone: what

Ghost: yep, and she is in the forest with grey wolves, let's go

Meanwhile in the forest

D: Sky, Luna you there

Sky and Luna: *running towards D*

Sky: D we missed you

D: same here Sky, Luna

D: *hears shouting*


D: damn it Ghost, hold on. *teleports to everyone* what the hell are you guys doing here I told you I was going to be fine

Swift: yeah but Ghostie here was missing you

Ghost: Swift I swear if you don't shut up, I will hurt you

D: alright fine I'll come back just let me say bye to Sky and Luna real quick

Ghost: fine but be quick

D: Sky Luna I have to go

Luna: but you just got here

D: I know but my friends especially Ghost is worrying about me so yeah, maybe next time if they don't track my phone.

Luna and Sky: ok see ya around

D: bye *teleports everyone and me home* wow you guys must really be overprotective of me

Shy: especially Ghost

D: *blushes* well that's all for now make sure to put down some truths and dares in the comments please

Punks: and send prayers

D: oh M.C.

M.C.: yeah

D: *whispers to M.C.* Shy has a crush on you

M.C.: really

D: yep

M.C.: be right back

D: ok

With M.C. and Shy

M.C.: Shy

Shy: yes M.C. what is i-

M.C.: *smashes his lips against hers*

Shy and M.C.: *pulls apart*

Shy: M.C. why did you kiss me

M.C.: cause a little birdie told me that you had a crush on me

Shy: let me guess D told you

M.C.: yep

Shy: I love you

M.C.: I love you too babe

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