Omg this will be hilarious

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DragonWolf: *laptop dings* omg Nishi this will be funny

Nishi: ikr





Mc: ok then so what's our dare

Rebel: better not be another break up dare

DragonWolf: it's not

Mc and Rebel: good we hated the dare

DragonWolf: Mc u have to sing 'my neck my back' and Rebel u have to wear a bikini and strip while Mc is singing

Mc and Rebel: 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 why and who's dare is that

Nishi: mine

Mc and Rebel: ofc it was ur dare why must u dare us these crazy ass things

Nishi: cuz I can

Rebel: not cool

DragonWolf: better be glad that nobody else is here except us 4, also I'm going to record this

Mc: do that and I will hurt u

DragonWolf: don't u dare try to hurt me or I hurt u

Mc: Uhh no thanks

DragonWolf: that's what I thought now sing and Rebel u still have to do ur dare

Rebel: damn it
Mc: *sings my neck, my back*

DragonWolf: *records*

Rebel: *puts on a bikini* god I feel so embarrassed *starts to strip*

DragonWolf and Nishi: *looks away laughing*

Rebel: *cheeks go so red as red his mask* Nishi u will pay for this

Nishi: idc it was worth it, and this is funny as hell

DragonWolf: ikr this is so funny, and wait till I send it to everyone, then u will definitely be embarrassed

Rebel: u wouldn't dare

DragonWolf: try me I will do it

Mc: pls don't we'll do anything

DragonWolf: sorry but I don't fall for the 'I'll do anything' crap so don't even try I fell for it a lot but not this time

Rebel: pls don't send it to everyone

DragonWolf: I'm sending it to everyone, *sends it everyone on the group chat*

Ghost: wtf happened while we're gone

Swift: omg what is happening

Ash: ok this is too funny

Shy: ikr they should do it more often

Stella: yes

Anthony: no

Caesar: no way

Jade: it's bad enough that swift does it

Swift: hey I resent that

Slash: it's true

Vicki: yep

Antony: please do more

Chlo: let me guess this was Nishi's dare

DragonWolf: yep and it was hilarious and worth it

Ghost: ok then we're coming home

DragonWolf: ok see u in a few minutes

Everyone but Mc and Rebel: ok

After a few minutes

Ghost: we're back

DragonWolf: hey everyone

Swift: where's Mc and Rebel

DragonWolf: in their rooms with no dignity left in them

Shy: ur cruel Nishi

Nishi: meh it was worth it

Jade: I'm sure

DragonWolf: anyway bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us also I'll try to add more to this during the Christmas break, but then again I'm not sure anyway bye

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