Swift what'd u do to Ghost

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D: u know I'm wondering the same thing

Swift: what

Keke: what'd u do to Ghost, meaning y is Ghost acting like u

D: when I already have to deal with Chlo and u being pervs, now I have to deal with Ghost being a perv, I want my old Ghost back

Ghost: when he made me f**k u for that dare

Swift: yep and I don't regret it

Ghost: ur gonna regret it in about two seconds *pulls out his guns*

Swift: nope not feeling it

D: *whips out sword scythe battle ax staff and spins it like a bo staff* how bout now

Swift: yep now regretting it

Ghost: where did u get that

D: that is for another day another time bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

Ghost: ask where D got that staff I wanna know

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