Ignoring the guys for 6 days/day 1

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D: omg Dj u gotta be kidding me

Dj: it's a good dare

D: yea but the guys r going to kill us

Dj: eh it'll be worth it

D: ur sure

Dj: yep and I already told the girls

D: that's my job

Dj: u shouting brings everyone including the guys

D: fair enough

Chlo: *walks into the living room with Swift right behind her with puppy dog eyes*

Swift: cmon babe talk to me

D: also we got a new person

Swift: who

D: my friend Avery or as I call her Ave

D: my friend Avery or as I call her Ave

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Avery: *slams door open* HAI BITCHES

D: really Ave, that's my line

Avery: yea well I took it *sees Connor* who's the hottie

D: this is Connor Vensmith, Connor this is my friend Avery, she's a vampire wolf

Connor: whoa

Avery: so do I have to do this dare

D: sadly yes sorry

Avery: ok

Ghost: ...hey babe...Avery...

D: *doesn't say anything*

Avery: hi

Ghost: ....babe u better....not be ignoring me again.....

D: *walks off*

Ghost: ....dare....

Dj: six days

Ghost: ....ur dead.....

Dj: try me bitch

Avery: *runs after D* D

D: yea

Avery: I think I have a crush on Connor

D: o really

Avery: mhm

D: well u can talk to him after the 6 days

Avery: ok

Connor: hey Avery there's something I need to tell u

Avery: *doesn't say anything*

Connor: uhhh is she ok

D: it's a dare for all of us girls

Connor: o ok, how long

D: 6 days

Connor: ok

D: *goes to the living room and pulls up Youtube on the Vizio and watches R/ihadastroke

D: *tries to speak in gibberish*

Ghost: ....really babe....

D: *continues speaking gibberish*

Ghost: *sighs*

Ash: *hanging out with shy*

Shy: *hanging out with ash*

Rebel and M.C: *so confused as to y Ash and Shy r ignoring them*

Rest of the girls: *ignoring their bfs*

Rest of the boys: *has puppy dog eyes looking at their gfs not understanding y their girlfriends r ignoring them* cmon pls talk to us

All of the boys except for Connor: is it because of what we did the other day

All of the girls except for Avery: *thinks* partially

D: ok bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye, also there will be more parts coming up for the six day dare just leave more dares for us to make it more interesting k, bye~

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