Ghost's dare

41 3 9

A/N so u guys remember that challenge, yea I lost, 😢 but Vicki did lose her $40

Vicki: way to rub it in

Yea yea alright onto the dare

DragonWolf: *laptop dings and looks at the notification* omg Ghost is going to hate Nishi for this

Kita: y

DragonWolf: because she dared Ghost to watch 2 Disney movies

Ghost: say what now

DragonWolf: yea look at ur dare

Ghost: *looks at the dare* -_- seriously Nishi

Nishi: yep, hehe I'm so evil

DragonWolf: so am I

Ghost: ur evil

DragonWolf and Nishi: yea ur right

Ghost: uhuh

DragonWolf: alright now u need to do ur dare

Ghost: fine but only u get to pick

DragonWolf: I already know what movies to pick out

Ghost: better not be anything worst

DragonWolf: ok *puts hand behind back and crosses fingers* *goes to pick out two movies*

Ghost: Nishi I already hate u for this dare

Nishi: ik

DragonWolf: *comes back with two movies*

Ghost: alright what did u pick

DragonWolf: I picked out "Snow White" and "Beauty and the Beast"

Ghost: seriously babe, I thought I said nothing that is the worst

DragonWolf: these movies aren't the worst, they happen to be originals

Ghost: yea yea whatever, just let me watch them

DragonWolf: ok *puts in "Snow White"*

~1 hour later~

Ghost: that movie was not cool

DragonWolf: wait till u watch "Beauty and the Beast"

Ghost: ok put it in

DragonWolf: *puts in "Beauty and the Beast"*

~1 hour later~

Ghost: meh the movie was ok

DragonWolf: told ya

Ghost: yea yea whatever, can I hurt Nishi

DragonWolf: NO

Kita: u wouldn't dare

Nishi: pls don't hurt me

Ghost: fine

DragonWolf: anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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