Nishi is gonna get drunk

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DragonWolf: *gets notification* what the hell nishi, Kita is so going to be pissed if u get drunk in front of him

Nishi: ik and I don't care

DragonWolf: it's either he's going to get mad or he's most likely to do the 'thing' with u like what Ghost did to me

Nishi: 😳 I didn't think of that, but o well

DragonWolf: *face palms self* really

Nishi: mhm


Kita: *walks to the living room* yea

DragonWolf: *discreetly gives Nishi a bottle of tequila*

Nishi: thanks girl

DragonWolf: np, but I still think this is not going to go to well

Nishi: it'll be fine

DragonWolf: ok I'm going to go to my shooting range with Ghost

Nishi: ok

DragonWolf: ready babe

Ghost: yea

DragonWolf: *teleports me and Ghost to the shooting range*

Nishi: *opens the bottle of tequila*

Kita: what r u doing

Nishi: *drinks the tequila*

Kita: wHy R u DrInKiNg ThAt

Nishi: *stops drinking a bit* cuz I can *continues drinking*

Kita: stop drinking that

Nishi: 👎

Kita: *starts getting super hard*

Nishi: *finishes the tequila and is fucking drunk* hey babe~

Kita: *smirks and picks her up and carries her to their room to have 'fun'*

~after having fun~

DragonWolf: *teleports back with Ghost* *nose-bleeds* y did u take off ur shirt

Ghost: cuz I was getting to hot, also ur nose is bleeding

DragonWolf: shit *uses powers to get rid of the nose bleed* u really didn't have to tho

Ghost: but I felt like it

Nishi: *comes out of room*

DragonWolf: Nishi u good

Nishi: me and Kita just did the 'thing'

DragonWolf: told ya

Nishi: u were right

Kita: now u know not to get drunk in front of me

Ghost: seriously Nishi

Nishi: what just this one time

DragonWolf: whatever anyway bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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