Why Nishi why

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DragonWolf: finally got my phone fixed and I already have a notification from Nishi *looks at phone and eyes go wide* why Nishi

Nishi: I thought it would be a good dare

DragonWolf: ok so Ghost is not going to be talking dirty to Rebel otherwise Ash will go bonkers

Nishi: wow ok so Ghost will be doing it to u

DragonWolf: yep 😣 and what's worse is that he already went through his mating season, so this will make it worse

Nishi: sorry

DragonWolf: ok so how long is this dare supposed to be

Nishi: all he has to say is at least a few dirty sentences



DragonWolf: I have a feeling that this dare will escalate into something else that won't be good

Nishi: again sorry

Ghost: so what is it babe that u need

DragonWolf: uhh u have a dare and I think it will be make more sense if I showed it to u *shows Ghost the dare*

Ghost: 😏 I think I'm going to like this dare

DragonWolf: seriously Ghost why with that smirk u know what happened last time u did that smirk

Ghost: oh come on baby girl u know u love it when I give u this smirk

DragonWolf: *blushes 50 shades of red* GHOST

Swift: uhh what the heck is going on here

Nishi: I gave Ghost a dare

Shy: and that is

Nishi: he has to talk dirty to DragonWolf

Everyone else: 😳 what the hell why did you do that

Nishi: because I wanted to see what would happen

Girls: the guys just went through their mating season, and Chlo is already pregnant

Chlo: yea this is not good

Nishi: well my bad I'll make sure to not do it again

Everyone else: yes please don't do that right after mating season, u never know when a surprise mating season with one of us might happen

Nishi: I'll keep that in mind

Ghost: what is it babe, I thought u like it when I make u blush

DragonWolf: no that's u, u love making me blush

Ghost: 😏 ur loving this smirk aren't u baby girl

DragonWolf: no I'm not

Ghost: yes u do

DragonWolf: ok and this dare is done and there goes my dignity so bye *teleports to the underwater cave*

Ghost: seriously ugh babe come back before I come and get u

DragonWolf: *calls Ghost* how u don't even know where I am

Ghost: *answers* yes I do I can track ur phone

DragonWolf: oh yea how I turned off my tracking app

Ghost: why

DragonWolf: cuz I can and Nishi can u end this chapter please

Nishi: sure, bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye

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