Talking dare

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D: what do u wanna talk about Dj

Dj: about u and Ghost, I mean this is so not like u

D: what even is there to talk about

Dj: y do u not wanna get back together with him

D: because this is the first time he broke my heart, he didn't force me to date him, didn't do anything except fuck me, but break up with me, that broke me

Dj: ik ik ik but still, when u showed him ur tattoo that u removed, he lost it, his armory and room is trashed

D: and this should bother y

Dj: don't u get it, u complete him, he's not the same anymore

D: ok

Dj: like now he just wants to get u back, it's like he's a yandere

D: ok and

Dj: he kinda wants to kill the others

D: well he can't, we're all immortal and he knows that

Dj: not right now he doesn't

D: well I'm not getting back together with him

Dj: ok *goes to Ghost's room* Ghost

Ghost: what

Dj: do u wanna talk

Ghost: no

Dj: pls


Dj: *has tears and leaves* he's now violent

Stace: shh shh, it's ok Dj I'm here

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