Favorite Superheo Truth pt.2

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A/n: ok back to the truth, now finishing it up.

Alex: it's Angel that is cooler

DragonWolf: he's got a point, ever since he watched X-Men Apocalypse, his idol has and always will be Angel

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DragonWolf: he's got a point, ever since he watched X-Men Apocalypse, his idol has and always will be Angel

Glock: War Machine is the coolest

Glock: War Machine is the coolest

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Razor: Blade is better

Alice: TMNT Raph is cooler cuz he's a hothead

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Alice: TMNT Raph is cooler cuz he's a hothead

Alice: TMNT Raph is cooler cuz he's a hothead

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DJ: Superman is cooler

Stace: wrong wrong, Drax the destroyer is the coolest

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Stace: wrong wrong, Drax the destroyer is the coolest

Stace: wrong wrong, Drax the destroyer is the coolest

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Everyone but me: yea but we all know who won this

DragonWolf: who

Everyone but me: u, Godzilla, he's a kaiju, he's not a human, but even tho he's destroyed everything he only did it to protect the world from the MUTOs, from Ghidorah, and now from Destroyah

DragonWolf: u got a point

Everyone but me: yep

DragonWolf: quick question tho

Everyone but me: yea

DragonWolf: why do u guys have to make everything into a competition, it was just a truth, that's all it was

Everyone but me: cuz that's how we roll

DragonWolf: u got a point, anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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