Ignoring Ghost (day.3)/dare

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DragonWolf: *goes back to the crib to find Anthony*

Shy: *looks out the window to see DragonWolf coming back* hey guys, DragonWolf's back

Ghost: finally

Everyone else: ok, there must be a dare

Ghost: I wonder what it is if she will talk to me

DragonWolf: *walks in and tells everyone but Ghost about the dare* Anthony has a dare

Ghost: and she's still ignoring me

Anthony: what's my dare

DragonWolf: u have to be a baby for this chapter

Anthony: cool

DragonWolf: and since Carl is ur girlfriend, she has to take care of u

Carl: wait what why

DragonWolf: don't look at me it's a dare

Carl: oh man, it shouldn't be too hard right, I mean it wasn't hard for Jade

Caesar: that's because I went easy on her

Anthony: I might not go easy on u

Carl: please be a little easy for me please

Anthony: only for u, ok DragonWolf, I'm ready to be a baby

DragonWolf: ok *turns Anthony into a baby*

Girls: awwwwww he's so adorable

Punks, Caesar, Slash, Ant, and Kita: hell yea he is

Carl: alright my turn to take care of a baby even though this baby is my boyfriend

Baby Anthony: ba ba ba (I love you)

Carl: aww *plays with Anthony*

Baby Anthony: ba ba

~with Ghost and DragonWolf~

Ghost: babe just pls talk to me, I promise to give u ur hugging privileges back

DragonWolf: *still ignoring Ghost and walks away*

Ghost: seriously babe, why aren't u answering me anymore, I promise I won't overreact or anything just please answer me

Ash: wow, he's going overboard with her not saying anything to him for this whole week challenge

Shy: yep, but we all know DragonWolf, whenever there's a challenge, she will do it, no matter what it is

Slash: yep

Vicki: I regret nothing for this challenge

Slash: u sure

Vicki: yep

Slash: ok cuz here comes Ghost

Vicki: so, I don't have to tell him

Ghost: tell me what

Vicki: nunya business

Ghost: wow, acting like DragonWolf, that's just what she would say about something like this

Slash: bro, maybe u should go down to ur armory and clean ur guns, maybe that will help

Ghost: thanks Slash *goes down to armory to clean his guns*

Slash: np

Vicki: thanks babe for saving my ass

Slash: np babe, that's what I'm here for

Kita: so how long do u think DragonWolf's gonna keep this up

Nishi: knowing her, the whole week

Kita: I mean this isn't her first time doing something like this

Nishi: what do u mean by that

Kita: well when she used to live with her abusive parents, she would always ignore them, it would drive them slam insane whenever she didn't answer them, mostly because she hated them with a passion

Nishi: wow I didn't know that

Kita: yep, that's the truth with her

Nishi: I love u

Kita: I love u too

(Nishi, u only love Kita on here, in this story, ok, but on ur's u really love Swift, but on here just please let me do what I do best and that's making my friends have at least someone in their life pls)

~with Carl~

Carl: u hungry

Baby Anthony: ba

Carl: yea u r, now let's get u some baby food *picks up baby Anthony and takes him to the kitchen, puts him in the high-chair and grabs apple baby food*

Baby Anthony: *banging hands on the high-chair as if it were drums*

Carl: I'm going as fast as I can, *opens baby food, and starts feeding baby Anthony*

Baby Anthony: *eats the baby food*

~after feeding baby Anthony~

Carl: *burps him*

Baby Anthony: *burps*

Carl: ok time to change ur diaper

Baby Anthony: *giggles*

~after changing his diaper~

Carl: alright ready for ur nap

Baby Anthony: *eyes start to close*

Carl: *silently giggles* I'll take that as a yes *puts him down for his nap*

Baby Anthony: *fast asleep*

(Anthony is always the one to fall asleep as soon as his head hits that pillow, he's out like a light, even as a baby, no lullaby needed)

Carl: ok so he's down for his nap

DragonWolf: cool

Carl: so what do u guys wanna do now

DragonWolf: how bout we watch a movie, I got the new Maleficent movie

Rebel: alright sounds good, I'll make the popcorn

DragonWolf: and I'll get the movie ready

~after fixing popcorn/getting the movie ready~

DragonWolf: alright everyone ready

Everyone but Ghost: yep

(Ghost doesn't really like watching Disney movies)

~few hours later everyone knocked out except for DragonWolf~

DragonWolf: *turns Anthony back to normal*

Anthony: thanks

DragonWolf: np

Anthony: *picks up Carl and takes her to their room to go to sleep*

DragonWolf: *teleports all couples to their rooms to go to sleep* *whispers* bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us especially Ghost right now, he's gonna be needing it

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