I don't have emotions, help me scenario

35 1 7

DragonWolf: *cuts wrists*

Ghost: hey d u ok- WTF R U DOING

Everyone but Ghost: what is it



DragonWolf: because I'm depressed

Ghost: but y r u cutting urself, that's not ok

DragonWolf: because it's how I deal with shit

Everyone: not anymore, u need to tell us this stuff

DragonWolf: I can't, whenever I get like this, I do stuff like this

Ghost: please don't cut ur wrists, I don't wanna lose u

Everyone: yea, we need u, ur the one who started this, we don't wanna lose u

DragonWolf: ok

Ghost: come down to the armory so I can bandage up ur wrists

DragonWolf: ok *goes down to the armory*

Ghost: *grabs the first aid kit, gets bandages* sit

DragonWolf: *sits on the table* *holds out wrists*

Ghost: *bandages her wrists and wraps arms around her* please don't do that again, u mean to much to me, I don't wanna lose u, including everyone else, we love u, we care about u

DragonWolf: ok I won't

Ghost: u had me worried, what if I didn't get there in time and u bled to death

DragonWolf: u do know I'm immortal, but I can harm myself

Ghost: ik but please don't do that again

DragonWolf: ok, bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us especially me.

A/N I did this for a reason, self harming yourself is not ok, that can lead to something much worse, so everyone out there don't harm yourself, you have so much to live for

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