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"Shreya, we have to think. We only have half a week to decide before your first trimester ends. I don't want any problems with you because of it." Veer reasoned while on a call with her.

"We'll talk about it once I reach. I am about to reach your office." She said stopping the car at red light.

"No! Don't hang up. We'll talk the throughout." He butted in making Shreya blush.

Veer had called her to his office to discuss some things. Shreya's office where she works in the HR department isn't that far and having the conversation in Veer's office which in his own building is more apt than having where Shreya works as an employee.

As the traffic light turned to green, she ignited the engine again and pressed onto the pedal of acceleration.

"Veer, I had approached a different doctor with our case. He said there are chances of me surviving-" She said, not being able to hide the new news anymore.

"Shreya don't. We don't need to think about it unnecessarily. " He said cutting her off, displaying a stern voice.

"But Veer, I am helpless. This is the only thing that rotates in my mind. I don't know what to do because of this." She croaked out with difficulty.

"We'll go through everything together baby." Veer breathed out.

"Baby? That's so cheesy. But anyways..." She laughed at his grumpiness.

Driving up in a normal speed, she was crossing the four way, her eyes fixated ahead and what she didn't notice was a truck coming directly in her direction with the highest of speed.

And BAM!

It directly crashed onto hers which made the impact of her car being flipped.

Scattering of mirrors, metals and screams were the only sounds heard and now her car was upside down with the other car basically pushed inside hers.

"Shreya? What was that? Are you okay?" Came Veer's shouts from the other side of call.

"Veer..." Was her almost inaudible whisper before darkness surrounded her.

"Shreya!?" He shouted from the other side, but didn't get any response.

He could tell what happened on the other side, but it was like he didn't want to believe it. But at the end it did and no one could change it.

And in a flash, he was out of his office, running towards the route he knew she takes to come at his office.

Who knew it was only to witness the horror sight in front of him which he never wanted to happen.


Broken mirrors.

Her screams of pain which slowly subsided only for him to drown in a pool of tears.




A drowsy Shreya woke up after hearing the continuous beeps. She could feel her head pounding and limbs badly aching, but she was used to these random pains which she never opened up about.



And it was followed by another sound in those irritating beeps.

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