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The effect of beard prickling on her soft skin, someone's breath fanning over her face and the warmth radiating from the same made a small moan come out of Kaeya's mouth as she turned to his side even more and snuggling in his frame, almost like burying herself in.

He wrapped his arms around her frame that was hidden with the quilt, his fingertips finding the bare skin as her camisole had ridden up.

"I am sorry..." Came his deep morning voice as she sighed in response.

Because this was the beginning of the countless of apologies he would give till she doesn't wake up.

The had been his norm since almost 2.5 years. Waking her up this way.

Her brown eyes opened in the slowest of pace, them blinking to adjust with the morning sunlight falling in the room giving it a natural look.

"KayKay, please wake up. We need to go for your regular checkup today." His deep voice reached her ears as she fluttered her eyes, the lashes clashing with her puffed out cheeks.

"I didn't sleep the whole night." She complained with a huff.

"I know baby. I am sorry. Just a month more please. You can do it right?" He whispered softly, grazing his hands on her swollen belly.

"Mhm. That's my only hope." She muttered tracing the almost invisible scar on the side of his forehead.

"I love you." He voiced out.

"I do too." Was her response, barely audible.

Every single time her response to his 'I love you' had been the same.

The harsh reality which both of them knew was that she isn't in love with him. She just loved him. She didn't fall in love with him. She only loved Yuvaan as her husband. Nothing else.

And it was a fact he had accepted as his fate. Because what they're now, both of them were satisfied with it.

Kissing her forehead ever so softly, followed by him murmuring a 'Good Morning my baby' to Kaeya's swollen belly, Yuvaan got up from the bed, helping Kaeya in the process as well and proceeded to get into the bathroom to prepare Kaeya's usual hot bath.

With difficulty, Kaeya walked towards the balcony of the room and breathed in the freshness of morning. The cool breeze caused goosebumps appear her skin, a small kick inside her belly that made her hiss a little and then giggle as she realized that baby appreciated the new and fresh surroundings.

3 months.

It was 3 months of loneliness for Kaeya after the doctor had given the statement which she dreads even now.

"I am sorry Mrs. Shah, but you husband has slipped into coma."

This statement felt like everything inside of her had been ripped. She couldn't breathe properly and mind had gone numb to her surroundings.

The sacred bond of marriage had done it's magic on Kaeya. The mere thought of Yuvaan leaving her for forever was nothing but heart shattering and horrendous.

She realized that no matter she didn't have romantic feelings for him or that being deeply in love with him, she definitely loved him as a person. She loved Yuvaan as himself. The one who listened to her taunts without saying a word back.

Visiting him every single day and staying there for hours and hours, begging him to wake up and crying at her loneliness, she realized that he was a big part of her life and his absence created an unwanted silence too.

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