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"You can go in now." Rishabh's mother said politely, nodding her little towards Yahvi.

She felt a tug at her heart when she was asked to get inside. How is she going to behave with him? What will she say to him? How was she supposed to act in a situation like this? Thousands of questions were roaming in her mind and unknowingly her hands were clutching her hair tightly.

"Child." A pair of hands covered her own and as she lifted her gaze it was only to see Rishabh's mother, Ruchi Khurana looking at her with concern.

Her thumb swiped across Yahvi's soft cheeks making her realize she had been crying. She caressed Yahvi's hair for a couple of times before making her look at her.

"You know, I believe you're strong. Strong because you came the exact moment you got to know about Rishabh's health and didn't avoided it like others. I- It was really hard for me and Rishabh's dad to ignite a hope in him. The doctor said his cancer is in the first stage and this can be cured with the chemotherapies because it still hasn't spread much. But I know, more than that, it requires him to be strong from inside. He has lost his hope thinking he will die soon. He needs hope and tell me one thing, when he'll see his princess all sad and crying, would this make the situation any better?" His mother said hoarsely, still caressing Yahvi's hair from time to time.

This woman was surely strong. Yahvi felt how lucky Rishabh was to have such parents and she felt angry knowing how a guy like Rishabh was feeling all this. Lost his hope? There was no way Rishabh would ever feel or say this.

"I am scared to meet him. I don't even know what I am going to say him. I am sorry, would that work? Or should I ask him how he is feeling?" She asked Ruchi Khurana who looked at the young girl with a soft smile.

"If you'll just sit beside him without saying anything, it would be enough. For him." Ruchi ended with a mere nod making Yahvi look at her hesitantly.

"Really?" She asked, just to get a confirmation.

"Yes. Now go and make him eat this. It's time for his lunch." Ruchi said patting her head as a gesture to walk forward.

"Thank you." Yahvi said, looking at her sideways when she was walking to the door of his private room in the hospital.

"Y-Yahvi!" Ruchi Khurana's hesitant voice reached her ears when she was about to open the door to his room.

"Yes?" She asked in confusion, turning back once again.

"H-He might behave distant with you too. But please don't take it by your h-heart. He is really in pain." His mother let out the words, painfully herself on the verge of tears.

Yahvi merely nodded her head before taking a huge breath and swinging the door open. She stepped inside slowly and steadily as if she was scared to meet her saviour. For the first time she was hesitant to meet her knight in shining armor.

Her brown orbs landed on the person she was craving to see and talk to since 6 months. He was laying on the hospital bed, eyes closed and in a stiff posture unlike those times when she found him sleeping on the college's benches like a log. She would even sit on him but he would not get affected at all and would continue to sleep.

But this time, his eyes snapped open as he heard the door to his room open.

His captivating brown eyes met her glistening brown ones.

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