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"Kiaan, I am seconds away from beating your ass. Remove your fucking hefty hand from my waist." Natasha shouted in Kiaan's ears.

"Nat, just sleep. We can talk in the morning. I am tired as hell after the wedding." Kiaan mumbled pulling Natasha closer to him.

Kiaan and Natasha didn't even realize when the days had passed and they were now married. To each other. Things were normal for both of them past these days, but Natasha had this weird feeling which she was trying her best to suppress.

The first thing she did after reaching Kiaan's penthouse after their wedding was pouncing on the bed only to sleep. Only Kiaan knows how he made Natasha agree to change her clothes as she was in her wedding attire. After all he didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

"It's already morning idiot." Natasha responded snuggling into him more.

"Huh? What time is it?" Kiaan questioned as he had to go to his gym as per routine.

"Around 9-ish." Natasha replied, not even slightly bothered.

"Shit! I am late." He muttered getting up from the bed in a haste.

Natasha who was sleeping comfortable as ever in his arms now missed the feeling, now annoyed.

"Kiaaaaan." Natasha whined.

"What?" He questioned from the closet where he was changing his clothes.

"Don't go today. I want you in the bed with me." Natasha replied without any hesitation.

"You what?" Kiaan questioned horrified, coming back into the bedroom. He was just in a pair of shorts, bare from the upper half showing his developed muscles and abs.

"I felt so comfy moments ago. Just come na." Natasha responded peeking with one eye.

"Just get up Nat. It's already 9:30 and you cannot waste the day sleeping." Kiaan reasoned.

"Bro, we don't have anything to do. Sleeping is the best option." Natasha said with a known look.

She was now wide awake, but she didn't make any efforts to get up from the bed. She was still in the same position as before.

"What did you just say?" Kiaan questioned with a hard look.

"Uhh- nothing?" She replied as she suddenly realized what she had uttered.

"Nat, get the fact through your thick head that we are married. I wouldn't appreciate you calling me these things from now on." Kiaan said with a stern look.

"I hate you." Was Natasha's response.

"Don't say that Nat. I know our case is a bit different than others, but please understand that which guy would like his girl calling him bro." Kiaan explained sitting beside her.

Natasha's heart fluttered when Kiaan said 'his girl'. She wasn't used to him calling her such things or the endearments he had started using these past days. It all felt enchanting to her.

She just looked at him with raised eyebrows and Kiaan sighed. It was the first time they didn't realize or got to know the things happening with each other. They share everything basically so, feeling these weird things now took a toll on Natasha.

In between Kiaan had gone outside the bedroom to bring water which Natasha had 'ordered' him to and him being the sweet husband he is, he compiled.

As Kiaan returned back to the bedroom, Natasha was busy standing beside the bed, lost in her imaginary world. Tip toeing, Kiaan made his way towards her only to lift her up in his arms and throw her on the bed, too sudden for her liking.

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