Part 2

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I woke up so tired. I went in my bathroom for quick shower to fresh my body and face. I look awful. I cryed myself to sleep yesterday. I dressed up in tight bleached jeans and oversized black t-shirt. I did rest of my morning routine, and got downstairs to kitchen. Just then Blake got downstairs too. I ignored him, because if I would look at him, I would feel guilty. I ate some cereal. Blake sat next to me, on the kitchen bar chair. I stood up and went to the sink. I washed my dishes and waited. Mom got downstairs.

Mom: Blake, Layla. Your dad and me have bussiness trip to Mexico. You will stay here, because you have school. Ask Bryce's mom for anything you need. We are leaving tomorrow and don't throw parties! Especially you Blake!

Layla: Well, I won't be surprised if he throws one, because he always does what you told him not to!

He threw his head down.

Mom: Is everything alright between you two?

Layla: No, it's great. Just great.

I said that sarcastic and I crossed my arms.

Mom: Well, you will have to work things out. I don't want my babies to fight!

She hugged us. I hugged her back. Her hugs are special.

Mom: I think that someone is waiting for you outside.

She looked at the door, and Bryce was in front of it. I took my school bag, and went out.

Layla: Bye mom!

Mom: Bye honey!

I just stood in front of Bryce. I never felt this much awkward with him.

Layla: So. You probably won't talk to me now.

Bryce: I would, but I'm thinking.

Layla: There's no much to think about that.

Bryce: It is! History is so confusing!

Layla: Yeah, I know-Wait, what?!

Bryce: History. Like, we have exam today on history.

Layla: Ooh, yeah. I was totally thinking about that!

Bryce: You are weird, bro!

Layla: And that's why I'm your best friend!

He laughed, and I smiled. He got in the back of the car. I got to Jaden, who just got downstairs.

Layla: Thank you. You know, you sometimes don't act like asshole.

Jaden: For what loser?

Layla: For not telling Bryce.

Jaden: What exactly?

He wanted me to say it, so he acted dumb.

Layla: Uhm, that I l-liked you, when I was little.

Jaden: Oh, that!

I rolled my eyes at him.

Jaden: I mean, you would do me a favor, right?

Layla: Wait, what favor?

Jaden: You will know when you come for Bryce after school. At our house.

Layla: O-okay, I guess.

Jaden: Get in the car, loser. Your boyfriend is waiting for you, and he looks mad.

I looked over at Bryce. He really was mad.

Layla: How many times I have to say that. I'm single, and Bryce isn't my boyfriend!

I got in the car and closed the door harshly.

Bryce: What were you two talking about?

Layla: Nothing interesting.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now