Part 36

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Blake came downstairs too.

Blake: Good morning.

He looked at my hickey and he smirked.

Layla: Stop staring at it!

I covered it with my hand.

Blake: Well, that's hard. Jaden didn't even try to hide it.


Layla: Anyways, I made breakfast.

Blake: Guess what Jaden made you yesterday?

He smirked. I gave him disgusted look.

Layla: And I'm out of here.

He laughed. I went to the stairs.

Blake: Layla, come back. I'm joking!

He still wasn't serious. I heard the door got open, and I went upstairs in my room. I went in the bathroom to take a shower.

Blake's POV

Jaden got in our house.

Blake: Hey! What's up, dude?

Jaden: Nothing much. Is Layla somewhere around?

Blake: Yes, but she went in her room. I said something that disgusted her.

I laughed.

Jaden: Oh, God.

He went upstairs.

Jaden's POV

I got in Layla's room, but she wasn't there. Just then she got out of her room. She wore just a towel around her body. She got scared when she saw me.

Layla: Oh my God! You scared the shit out of me!

Jaden: Aww, am I that ugly?

I chuckled. I wanted to kiss her but she pulled away.

Jaden: What was that?

Layla: What was what?

Jaden: Don't play dumb with me, Layla.

Layla: I'm not.

Jaden: Kiss me then.

Layla: No, you scared me.

She crossed her arms.

Jaden: Are you for real? I was just standing here.

She stayed silent.

Layla: I'm sorry, but Blake said something really stupid. That made me upset. And when I'm upset, I'm nervous, and when I'm nervous, I'm mad. Without any single reason.

Jaden: What did he say?

Layla: He first told me about the hickey and how you didn't even try to hide it. Then I changed the subject on how I made breakfast, and then he asked me "Guess what Jaden made you yesterday" and he smirked. And now I'm scared.

Jaden: You don't have to be scared. We didn't even do that nasty thing yesterday.

I chuckled.

Layla: I know, but what if I got pregnant earlier?

Jaden: I don't think so. We used the protection.

Layla: There is still the possibility tha-

Jaden: Shh. Layla. Listen to me. Even if we made a baby, we are together in this. But we didn't because you didn't get any symptoms, right?

Layla: Yeah, I didn't.

Jaden: When are you expecting your period?

Layla: Tomorrow.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now