Part 29

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After a lot of boring lessons later...

Avani: It's finally time for audition. Are you ready?

Layla: Yeah. I'm a little bit nervous, but I'm ready. I know my text.

Avani: Great. Let's go.

We got into a Drama classroom. I saw Vinnie already there.

Layla: Hi!

Vinnie: Oh, hi!

I saw Jaden there.

Layla: What is he doing here?

Avani: I don't know. This is going to be interesting.

Then our group came to watch us. Audition started, and they began with Olivia. Avani was second so I wished her luck. After her, next was Alex. Vinnie was great. I think they are gonna choose him. Third one was Emma, and Charli was first. She was good. Not gonna lie. I was after her. After I finished, Addison and Bryce came to me.

Addison: You were great!

Bryce: That's my bestie!

Then Jaden came to me.

Jaden: I'm proud of you, that was great.

Layla: Thank you.

I smiled.
So leader of the Drama club said "The results are gonna be tomorrow". His name is Jason. I'm really nervous. I can't wait till tomorrow.

Vinnie: Relax, Layla. I can see your nervous face.

Bryce: Yeah, we all can.

Avani: Come on, girl. You will get that role.

Layla: I don't know. Have you seen Charli? She was good.

Anthony: You are kidding.

He was serious.

Noah: Stop thinking about her. You, Avani and Vinnie were the best ones out there.

Layla: Thank you Noah.

Avani: Group hug!

We hugged, but Vinnie just stoof there awkwardly.

Avani: You are the part of our group now.

Addison: Yeah, come here.

We all hugged together.

Layla: I feel like a kid. I'm happy.

Anthony: Me too.

Avani: Should we go home?

Noah: Probably.

We got out of the school.

Bryce, Jaden, and me were waiting for Blake.

Bryce: Wait a minute! Is that Jaden's hoodie?

Layla: Uhm, yeah. Long story.

Bryce: You two got back together?

Layla: No. I got dress coded, because someone poured water over my clothes on PE, so I had to wear shirt for PE and Addison's skirt. It was very short by the way. Principal called me to his office, and he gave me their pants, and they ran out of shirts. Jaden was there too, so principal told me to lend his hoodie.

Bryce: Okay. I'm kinda processing things.

Blake got to us, and we went home. After few hours, I wanted to go to the mall, so I asked Blake to go with me.

Layla: Can you go with me to the mall?

Blake: No.

Layla: Please.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now