Part 26

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Still Jaden's POV

After week

Jackson is leaving today. School starts tomorrow. And I? I am drinking beer right now, and looking at Layla's pictures. She deleted her pictures with Jackson on Instagram. I didn't see her from that day. I just want her kisses and hugs. I miss her. I was an asshole, she probably doesn't want to see me.

Back to Layla's POV

Jackson and I are not even friends now. He tryed to apologize, but I ignored it. He changed so much. I pretended to be good with him in front of family. They don't know that Jaden and I broke up. I didn't see my friends. I didn't tell even Bryce, but he probably knows that from Jaden. I miss him. I'm scared of life right now.

Then Blake got in my room.

Blake: Hey.

He closed the door and he sat beside me.

Layla: Hey.

Blake: Are you okay?

I started nodding lightly, but then I refreshed my memory, and I started shaking my head and I started crying. Blake hugged me.

Blake: Aww, don't cry. What happened?

I cryed on his shoulder, hugging him back.

Layla: J-Jaden b-broke up with m-me.

I said that while sobbing. He pulled me off to look at me.

Blake: Why?!

Layla: I cheated on h-him. I didn't want to, B-Blake!

Blake: With who?

Layla: With J-Jackson.

Blake: That's messed up!

I was sobbing so hard, I couldn't control myself.

Blake: Lay, take it easy! You will faint soon! Breath slowly.

He pulled me close again. He calmed me down.

Layla: T-thank you, Blake.

Blake: Always. Do you wanna talk about it?

Layla: No... Yes.

I told him what happened that night at Tayler's party.

Layla: And do you know who was the person who saw us?

Blake: Jaden?

Layla: Exactly, but I didn't know who it was until he told me next day. I wanted to talk with him, so we did. We talked. I told him what happened. He became angry, and Jackson came. He called me 'babe', which only made the situation worse. Jaden broke up with me and he, he l-left.

Blake: Well, I know that he hates Jackson. I just think that he got mad at him, and he broke up with you.

Layla: Thank you Blake. For everything. You are the best brother I have!

I hugged him tight.

Blake: But I'm the only o-

He realized that he said that to me before. I laughed.

Blake: Ha! You are laughing! But I have maybe bad news right now.

I stopped laughing, confused.

Blake: I mean they were supposed to be good news, but- yeah. Jaden and Bryce are coming over tonight. Also their parents.

Layla: I don't know what I feel right now.

Blake: It's okay if you don't want to see him. I will play video games with him in my room, and you can do something with Bryce here.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now