Part 37

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Layla: Why did principal call you to his office?

She crossed her arms.

Jaden: Uhm... He asked me if I'm okay because I didn't do anything bad for almost two months?

I said it like a question, because I wasn't so sure if she would believe me or not. I'm not ready to tell her now.

Layla: It really is surprising. You deserve a big kiss!

She grabbed my cheeks and she kissed me hard. I smiled, and she let go. I drove us home. We got out of the car. We hugged for few minutes. We kissed then. We let go of each other.

Layla: I love you. Bye.

Jaden: I love you too. Byee.

I watched her get in her house, and then I got in mine too. My stepmom and dad were waiting for me in the living room. I put my backpack on the floor.

Jaden: Am I in some kind of trouble?

John: No! Your principal just called, and he said that you got scholarship for Harvard!

Stepmom: We are so happy for you.

Jaden: Thank you, guys. Just don't tell anyone else. Especially Layla. I just lied to her, like 10 minutes ago. I feel so bad.

Stepmom: Awwe, sweetie it's okay. She will forgive you, and she will be happy for you. We all know her. You should be the one who will tell her the truth. Don't let her find out from someone else.

Jaden: Thank you, mom.

I went upstairs in my room, and there was my stepbrother Bryce.

Bryce: Bro, you got a full scholarship for Harvard!

He punched me playfully.

Jaden: I know. Promise me you won't tell Layla!

Bryce: Why? She's your girlfriend. She deserves to know.

Jaden: I know, but I already lied, because I didn't want to make her upset. I don't know if I should accept this scholarship. We won't see each other if I accept it. I wanna be here with her. Long distance is like I'm not even in a relationship.

Bryce: Dude, you really love her. I can't believe that she changed you so much! You are a better person. I mean you actually have feelings AND you care about someone?! That's rare.

Jaden: Shut up!

I hit him with my pillow. He laughed.

Bryce: If you need me, just call me. I'm here for you.

Jaden: Thanks, Bryce. But I think I'm gonna be okay.

I smiled. He smiled too. I laid on my bed, and I fell asleep.

Few hours later

When I woke up, I felt like someone is literally next to me. I looked around and I saw her.

Jaden: What are you doing here babe?

Layla: Bryce's mom called us all over for a dinner.

She giggled at my sleepy face.

Jaden: Don't look at me, I'm gross.

Layla: No. You are cute.

She kissed my cheek. We went downstairs in the dining room. We sat down at the empty seats and we started eating. I know that Bryce's mom called them over because she wanted me to say I got scholarship for Harvard. It just wasn't really good time. I have never seen her so happy. I really don't want to take away her happiness. I'm gonna tell her in a month.

Next morning

I had so many chances to tell her yesterday on that dinner. I could. But I didn't. I got ready for school, and all I was thinking was that scolarship and telling Layla about it.

I drove us all to school snd we got to our first periods. My first period was English. I was sitting with Layla, like usually. And I know I told myself I will tell her in a month, but I just wanna get over it. I know that she won't be in the brightest mood once she hear that, but she won't be mad at me either, right?

Jaden: Uhm, Layla.

Layla: Yes, babe. Why are you so serious all of a sudden?

Jaden: It's because I have something to tell you.

Layla: Okay, I'm ready. Shoot.

Jaden: Just know that I will still love you whatever happens after.

Layla: After what?

She let a giggle out of her mouth.

Jaden: I, uhm. I-

Just then English professor got in our classroom.

Layla: Promise me you will tell me later?

Jaden: I promise I will.

That rock I didn't even know I had, fell off my heart.

After our first period, Layla had Drama practice. I love watching her when she acts, but I can't watch that Vinnie guy.

Jaden: About the... thing that I wanted to tell you, uhm I-

Layla: I have to go on the practice now, can you tell me later b?

Jaden: Yeah, of course.

Layla: Thanks! See ya!

She kissed me. I went on my next period.

Back to Layla's POV

I went to the Drama club in rush, because I was late.

Layla: I'm sorry, I'm late!

Jason (leader): No worries. Just hop on the stage so we can start acting.

Layla: Okay.

I got on the stage. We practiced whole play just without the kiss part.

Jason (leader): That's great everyone!

He applaused.

Jason (leader): We finally practiced this play until perfection. The finale is in a week, so be ready to shine.

We all know that Jason is gay, but he didn't come out in school yet. It will probably affect his job. He is a great guy, and we always hear fresh roumors from him.

Jason (leader): Okay, so I have news!

There he goes. He got on the stage and we all sat down on the chairs in front of the stage.

Jason (leader): Okay, so! Principal told us that one of the athletic boys, who is into basketball, and I really forgot his name but that doesn't matter. Mainly, that senior boy got a scholarship for Harvard, just because his grades and PE are straight A's!

Could it be... him?

Jason (leader): All his other grades are under A's.

Oh my God! What if it is him? Maybe that's what he planned to tell me earlier?

Jason (leader): I'm really sorry for not telling you earlier, but principal told him yesterday after school, so I didn't have chance.

Layla: Mister Barron?

Jason (leader): You can call me Jason, sweetie.

He smiled.

Layla: Okay, Jason. The name you forgot... was it Jaden Hossler by any chance?

Jason (leader): Ohh, yes! It was! How did you know?

Layla: I just found out.

I was really sad because, not only he didn't tell me yesterday, he lied to me.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now