Part 33

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After a month

Mom and dad still aren't at home. Blake is such a great big brother. My best friends are fine. Jaden and I are friends with benefits right now. We had s*x few more times after that night. I never said that to anyone. It's better this way, when no one knows. I wanna be with him again. I don't need time, and space anymore. I love him. I never stopped. We are also going out on dates. I lied to my brother every time we went out. I hate that. I hate lying to people that I love and care for.

I am just on a date with Jaden. We went to the beach.

Jaden: I want to have you whole night just for myself.

Layla: Me too, but my brother would freak out because I'm not at home.

Jaden: I know.

Layla: I feel bad because we're both lying to our brothers.

Jaden: Yeah, but we will tell them soon. I promise.

We kissed. We then talked few more minutes. I checked the time.

Layla: Oh, shoot! It's late, we gotta go.

We got up fast and we literally ran back to our homes. When I got in mine, Blake was in the living room.

Layla: Hey. I'm back.

Blake: Hey. How was night with girls?

One of my lies.

Layla: Great.

Blake: Wanna play video games?

Layla: Sure. I will just dress up.

I went upstairs to dress up in something comfier. I got back downstairs when I was done. We played some video games, and we had fun. When it got late, we went to our rooms and I fell asleep.

Next day

I woke up and I did my morning routine like every day. Then I dressed up in straight white jeans and basic black t-shirt up. I picked up my backpack and I went downstairs. Jaden and Bryce were already here.

Layla: Hey!

I smiled.

Jaden: Hey.

He smiled too.

Bryce: Hi.

Blake: Okay, let's go!

We got out of the house, and Blake locked front door. We got in Blake's car and he drove us to the high school. I got on my first period. History. It was so boring, like always. Just like the rest of the periods. After that, I had Drama cb, and we got new script. This one has more details.

Vinnie: So, how do you feel about that.. uhm, thing?

Layla: What thing?

Vinnie: This one.

He showed me and I was shook. My character has to kiss Vinnie's. We will kiss. I didn't expect something like this in a high school script of a Drama club.

Layla: I- I didn't even see that scene.

Vinnie: Is it okay?

Layla: It's a little weird, because I treat you like a brother, and I'm sure that you treat me like a sister.

Vinnie: Yeah, totally. That's why I asked.

Layla: I mean, we will just act? Right? It's not a big deal.

Vinnie: You're right. I'm glad that you feel the same way.

Layla: Me too.

We started practicing first 4 scenes. That's where we ran out of time and we finished with the practice. Kiss scene is like 17th.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now