Part 40

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Mom brought us lemonade and we thanked her.

Layla: Thanks mom.

She smiled and she got back in the house. We drank lemonade. Jaden got behind my back.

Jaden: You are so hot in that bikini, babe.

Layla: Thank you, baby. I love you.

I turned around and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged my waist, bringing our wet bodies closer to each other. When he leaned in for a kiss, I unwrapped my arms, and I took his hands off my waist. Then I pushed him in the pool. I laughed my butt off when I saw his face when he got up.

Anthony: You're done. You're done.

They laughed while Jaden got out of the pool. He dryed himself with a towel. He walked to me and I started running away from him. He catched me after few minutes. He picked me up over his shoulder and he went in my house. I tryed to get off, but his grip was tighter and tighter. He got upstairs in my room. He threw me on the bed.

Jaden: I want my kiss.

He got on bed.

Layla: Looks like you want more than that.

I smirked. He leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head to the side and he kissed my cheek. He grabbed my head and he made me face him. I was laughing. He kissed me harshly. I kissed him back. We made out few minutes and he laid down next to me.

Jaden: Why didn't you want to kiss me?

He looked at my lips.

Layla: Because I was messing with you.

Jaden: I hate when you mess arround. Don't do that again, please.

Layla: Okay. But I can't promise you anything.

I smiled.

Jaden: Layla! I hate you.

Layla: I love you too.

I pecked his lips and I got up from bed.

Jaden: Where are you going?

Layla: I'm going back to the pool.

Jaden: We haven't finished what we started yet.

Layla: We can't finish it now! My parents are in the house!

Jaden: I forgot about that.

Layla: We will finish this somewhere else. Let's go now.

We got downstairs, and we got out of the house.

Avani: Did my girl get some?

Layla: Oh my God, Vani! No!

They started laughing, and I was embarrassed. I mean, my brother is here. And Jaden's step brother is here as well. I just got on one of the sunbeds and I have laid down on it. I put my sunglasses on.

For the next few hours we had fun and then they started leaving.

Amelie: I really have to go home now. Thank you for everything. Bye.

Anthony: Wait, we are going with you.

Avani, Addison, Anthony and Amelie left.

Vinnie: I guess we should go too. Right, Noah?

They hugged Blake, Bryce and Jaden. Noah hugged me. While Vinnie and I were hugging, he whispered:

Vinnie: You wanna mess with Jaden?

Layla: You know I love that.

I whispered back. He smiled and pulled out of the hug.

Vinnie: I will see you soon, L.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now