Part 16

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Avani: For how long?

Layla: Maybe a week.

Avani: No way! Bryce will kill Jaden AND you.

Layla: I-I know.

Avani: Okay, now go to sleep. We will talk tomorrow.

She nodded. I was about to leave, when she said something.

Layla: Please Vani, don't say that to anyone.

Avani: I won't Lay.

She smiled to me, I left her key on the table, and I got out of her room. I got downstairs. The party was over, and people got out of the house, music was turned off. Just then Bryce and Addison got to me and Anthony.

Addison: Have you seen Lay? I didn't saw her at all.

Bryce: I just saw her when the party started, and that's it.

Avani: Yes, I actually talked with her. She was so drunk. I think that she is sobber now-

They all cut me off.

Bryce: Lay was drunk?

Anthony: No way!

Addison: Are you sure we are talking about the same person?

Avani: Yes guys. I was kind of shocked too.

Bryce: What did she say?

Avani: Uhm, just some nonesense.

I played with my fingers. I really don't know how to lie.

Addison: Vani? We all know that you're lying.

Avani: Okay, I understood a couple of words. She slurred her words, so I couldn't understand her very well.

Bryce: Well, what is it?

Avani: Uhm, just that she would never drink again and that stuff.

Bryce nodded.

Bryce: Let's just say that we believe you.

He chuckled.

Avani: We have to go now, bye guys.

I pulled Anthony with me to his car. He drove me to my house, and I got in my house.

Back to Layla's POV

I just woke up, and my head hurts. I realized that it's monday, which means - school. Great. Who even makes parties on sunday? I did my morning routine. I dressed up in this:

I brushed my hair, I put on a lipgloss, and I went downstairs with my backpack

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I brushed my hair, I put on a lipgloss, and I went downstairs with my backpack.

Blake: Hey sis!

I holded my head.

Layla: Hey bro.

Blake: Are you okay?

Layla: Yeah, my head hurts a little bit.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now